NEW NAIL POLISH TODAY! It's kind of awesome because we're not actually supposed to have nail polish, but I'm pretty sure no one cares now. xD I think I'm going to use purple and brown. Though I really need new summery shades. Maybe some new Bloom ones, but Bloom is expensivee. And I have no money. So laters.
Today was, as expected, a giant waste of time. Except for the pizza. That was good. Everything else was boring. We got our exams back, did really well (94% overall), then did two more papers (to assure ourselves of how awesome we are and therefore negating the need to do any study for mando?) So yeah. BORING.
The weather was better today, though. There were some sunny patches, which were good. But then it went bipolar and rainy and then super rainy and then back to sunny and now it's drizzling. D:
Come on. A kickass, hot, smart, spy. Who wouldn't love Sarah? Also Chuck is so adorably cute and sweet. Talking of Chuck, NEW EPISODE TONIGHT! I probably won't watch it today in lieu of.. work. And I'll probably actually try and do work, seeing as though physics is tomorrow and I am really shit at physics. xD
So. More diving tonight at the Commonwealth Games - yay! And the worlds for gymnastics start soon. Yay for youtube. Oh. Also. Doodle god is awesome. YOU SHOULD ALL GO PLAY IT. PROCRASTINATION IS THE BESTEST THING EVER.