Apr 26, 2010 20:10
Long time no post/talk/whatnot, eh? Thanks to the wonders of school. I keep on opening it up to this page and then not typing anything.. I don't know why. I'm a strange, strange person.
Anyway. Not so exciting stuff has happened, really. I handed in a really crappy chem design as well as an okayish EE final draft on Friday. The stupid thing about my EE draft, is that after staying up until god knows when cutting words, and having all 44 pages of it (or some other ridiculously large number) printed, I realised that I could have cut this extraordinarily non-useful bit and chucked back in bits that I liked but had to get rid of. So yeah. Hopefully he'll take a squiz at that one too.
IOC is in a week and a bit. Scary stuff. I think I'll be okay for this term after it, though. Just got to knuckle down and study hard for maths, chem and physics. Should be funnnnnn.
In other news, I'm so totally back on the Doctor Who bandwagon. The last time I watched Doctor Who was the last season with Ten and Donna, and then they had that giant long break with only the specials so I didn't pay that much attention to it. But now it's back. And OMG. Eleven (Matt Smith) is so cute. In a crazy, wacky British way. Sigh. And Karen Gillan is ridiculously pretty. JEALOUSJEALOURJEALOUS. Though I'm still getting used to the whole new sonic screwdriver thing. But yeah. LOVE.
I watched half the Angels episode last night at like 11, and then when it got scarier I went to bed - just in case I wouldn't be able to sleep. But I watched the rest of it this morning, and it's so good. So, so good. So, I might go back to making graphics or whatnot for Doctor Who and maybe Alice in Wonderland, which I've fallen in love with again. Instead of doing work. :D
doctor who