Mar 23, 2010 17:19
First day of exam block. So fun for all. My hair kept on being really annoying and I lost bobby pins, so that was really retarded. Also WHY DOESN'T THE SAC HAVE AIR CONDITIONING? WHAT THE HELL? THEY COULD FIND THE TIME AND MONEY TO BUY GIANT BLACK CURTAINS BUT NOT AIR CONDITIONING?
Yeah. Anyway. Maths was so, so, so good. Though I did practically go back through the test and check every single little line of working to make sure I didn't make any stupid mistakes, and I'm pretty sure I didn't. I think I got a tiny bit of a question wrong, because time can't be negative (OBVIOUSLY, but yay brain malfunction), but that whole question was only work 2 marks out of 60-something. Some of it I was kind of confused on how to do, but then I came back and it was all good. :D Also it was non-calculator, so yay! Hopefully tomorrow's won't be too hard, and I'll be a happy child.
CHEM on the other hand. Was a freaking disaster. Like really. O.o Half the stuff I studied for wasn't on the exam, and of the stuff that was, it really confused me. I literally sat in the exam confused for about half an hour in total. HOPEFULLY multiple choice will be awesome and it'll pull me up.
Tomorrow is physics prac (in which me and Zibb will be studying maths and maybe physics) and maths calculator exam. The day after is language, and on Friday is physics and chem. I really need to get a move on in studying for physics or risk failing that too. O.o
In other 'happier' news, I'm going to go see Alice in Wonderland on Saturday at Southbank. And maybe go shopping. But I'm trying to save at the moment so we'll see how that goes. Also, I have all this crap to do on the holidays. THE HOLIDAYS THAT LAST FOR LIKE NINE DAYS. WTF EDUCATION QUEENSLAND. EE is freaking me out.