So, I sat my business paper 1 yesterday. I assume I'm allowed to talk about it now it's 24 hours after the end of the exam. Crazy IB and their vendettas on calculator lids. Anyway. In a nutshell, it was bad. There were easy questions, but there were like three of them, maximum about five. And DEADER failed for most of them. Which is just what I needed. Finally, in comparison to the May paper, this one was like trying to get the last bit of lipgloss out of a really long tube. (Sorry for the crap analogy.. I've been reading beauty blogs to find about foundations all day, as well as gossip blogs and stuff like that.) So it was bad. Hopefully paper 2 will be easier, and I'll get an okay mark overall. No point stressing now I guess, as I'll have to stress the couple of months or so until January 6th anyway.
On the bright side, I'm all up to date with my Gossip Girl and Glee episodes. Though I really should be studying in some kind of way other than having a past exam sit next to my laptop and having the May paper and markscheme open in some dimension on my laptop. I did tell my sister about above the line and below the line marketing today just before dinner, though. Hm. I'm getting reobsessed with The West Wing. Which can be good or bad depending on what you think. I'm rewatching all the episodes I have and re-falling in love with everything. Or everyone. Especially Sam and Josh. Sigh.
In a totally unrelated tangent, I was flicking through pictures of me and my sister when I was younger in the name of procrastination. And we were so happy then.. good times, I guess. Me and Dad had a kind of shouting match/fight today partly because he was being annoying and because I'm just blah sometimes, and normally I don't cry because I've learnt to deal with people and things poking holes or other crap into me. But yesterday was as especially bad day, and I cried just the tiniest bit. This was through breakfast, and halfway through eating, my sister started crying - because she didn't like people fighting. I felt so bad... I tried so hard to protect her from the worst of it last year, but she still has to deal with my being pissed at every animate and inanimate object every second day, and stuff like that. There's still piles and piles of crap and even worse stuff I still have to sift through, and I don't want to hurt anyone, least of all my sister, while all this sifting is going on... but I know that I'll need someone I love and trust to lean on, or else it's just going to sit and get worse.
Hey look. I turned into complain-y whiny girl just then. Damn. It's good just to get things out sometimes, I guess. As a side note, Leighton Meester's new single Somebody to Love has a crazy ass video. Very Lady Gaga-esque in some places. See below. How do you like them apples? - Amy. Now I'm going to go fail again at studying.
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