Sep 07, 2009 21:19
Todayyy. Was maths exams. Non calculator & calculator. What fun. I think I did badly. MOVING ON.
China trip talk tonight was funn. In the sense of hearing Richards' broken English again. Apparently we're not homestaying because Chinese authorities think we're going to bring swine flu to the university populace. LIKE SPENDING FIVE DAYS IN THE UNIVERSITY WON'T? Craaazy. Was funny though, my Dad's first reaction was, 'Because they don't them to spread their thoughts (freedom of thought/whatever) to the Chinese people?' I was like, fair enough.. but no. Also. I'm really scared that I will spend much money on stuff that I don't/won't need because I have no sense of delayed gratification whatsoever.
In another news, I am mightily screwed for physics tomorrow. Hopefully I will be able to get through by bullshitting stuff about alternative energy sources.. though I really should learn definitions for atomic & nuclear. Though hopefully that won't be too hard. Afterwardss I have to teach Lisa chem at the state library. Which will consist of my yelling at her to get her concepts right, and then descending into gossip... always fun. Then crammming mando. Again, fun. In the Johnny-definition of fun.
It's also raining. I love the smell of rain. As a random side note. I also got a new lip balm & gloss, because I lost them on Saturday. It wasn't actually too expensive, which is good. Because I'm poverty-stricken at the moment.
Handed in world lit today.. hopefully I'll get it back before China and I can obsess over it then. Also, hopefully I will get a better mark for it, because I really, really love it now. As opposed to hating its guts out the first time through. Lisa went to get hers back today.. and that turned into about five people getting theirs back because of Ms Townend recognising people and having already marked theirs. Was funny.
Have finished the first Joy Fielding book I borrowed. It's a bit rushed at the end - the climax is a bit sudden and odd. But it's pretty okay written. I went to try and buy The Age of Innocence today and Borders didn't have a copy! I shall try Dymocks tomorrow.. need reading stimuli in China. Other than Lisa's two world literature essays.
It's been fun. Talking to a non-existent entity. Hopefully tomorrow I shall be optimistic about physics (unlikely). But now I have to go participate in a greek letter drawing competition because apparently lambda is cool and Nathan and I don't want to do physics. Which is fair enough, I guess. Laters.