Story Snippet- and Plea for Help

Mar 04, 2015 20:45

So… I’ve got this Star Wars story. (Two stories, actually, a ROTS era AU and it’s roughly ANH era sequel. Which might end up getting written and finished first. It’s shorter. And features mostly Han as the POV character.)

I’ve been working on this universe since 2006. Nothing has been published in that time. No snippets. No chapters. I think I’ve put up one or two sentences up here when I did those “take one sentence from your stories” memes.

I am now thinking of coming back to this universe and finishing at least one of the stories.

To motivate myself, here’s a little bit from the prequel one. The title for this story is “The Way of the Sith”. The OT era story still needs a title, unfortunately.


Darth Bane could feel it as his holocron was accessed once again. He wasn’t sure what that meant. He had told Darth Sidious that he would not respond to him again. Darth Sidious had determined that the Rule of Two would not be followed. He had decided that more than two was needed.

And so Bane had rebuked the living Sith Lord, and left. Darth Tyranus had listened to Bane. However, Bane knew Tyranus was not strong enough to defeat Sidious.

Bane could only assume that Sidious was going to try to gloat at his successes.

Bane did not respond to the holocron. That is… he did not respond until he realized that it wasn’t Sidious accessing it. Whoever was accessing it was Dark, and Sith, however.

It must have been one of the new apprentices. Bane admitted that he was curious to see who Sidious had been willing to break the Rule for.

Bane opened his eyes to look at the newest Sith Lord… Lords. Two men stood before him, dressed not in Sith robes, but as Jedi.

Jedi! The two newest Sith were once Jedi.

"Lord Bane," the older one said. The younger one merely inclined his head. Bane studied them for a long moment.

"You would be the ones Lord Sidious wanted to turn," Bane finally said.

The older nodded. ”I am Lord Pyros,” he said. ”My companion is Lord Vader.” They were quiet for a moment, then Pyros grinned wickedly. ”I am the living Sith Master, and Lord Vader is the only other Sith alive.”

Bane grinned. ”I take it Sidious did not live long to regret breaking the Rule?”

Vader responded. ”Not more than a few months,” he said. ”And the galaxy once again believes the Sith have been destroyed.”

Bane sighed. ”So was it was Sidious who caused this setback in our Revenge?”

Pyros shifted. ”Mostly Sidious. He grew too greedy, wanted more. A- Lord Vader and I were not going to allow him to control us for long.”

Bane sighed. ”The Revenge of the Sith Order has waited this long, it can wait for longer.”

Vader nodded. ”Master Bane, there is one thing I must ask you, about the Rule of Two. Is it absolute? I have…” Vader sighed. ”My wife has given birth to twins. A boy and a girl.”

Bane opened his mouth, tried to figure out how to answer the question, then sighed. ”I see. At least you do not ask just for power.” He frowned. ”I thought the Jedi forbid such attachments. I can tell the two of you were Jedi.”

"I’ve never been very good at following that rule," Vader shrugged.

"And there are worse things, then to care about others," Pyros added.

Bane chuckled dryly. ”In answer to your question, Lord Vader. I never thought about it. I never had to think about it. I had my apprentice, and she was all I needed. In a thousand years, we have never had such a situation. Damn Sidious for his greed.”

Pyros and Vader glanced at each other. ”Oh, I’m sure he’s damned,” Vader said lightly.

"And for more than his greed," Pyros added.

Bane chuckled. He liked these two new Sith. At least Sidious had chosen well.

"I think, Lord Vader, that you will find that your children are, as Force-Strong twins often are, strongly bonded. If they are not separated, then their bond will mean that to teach one is to teach the other."

Lord Vader bowed slightly in response.

"Pyros, what do you think of this?"

The older Sith glanced at Vader, a fond look in his eyes. He shifted, and set his hand on Vader’s shoulder. ”Lord Vader and I are as brothers. We were before we turned, and we turned at nearly the same time. And now…” he shrugged. ”I look forward to spoiling those children and then returning them to Anakin and Padmé.”

Vader scoffed. “As if Padmé would let you do that, Obi-Wan.”

Pyros tilted his head in thought. “True,” he finally said. “Your wife is…” he trailed off. “If she wanted, she could rule the galaxy.”

Vader nodded.

Bane had no idea what to make of these Sith. And they were Sith, there was no doubt of that.

But they were so different from the most recent Sith.

He sighed. “I suspect you will do what you want no matter what I say,” he said. “But if you raise them to be as close as the two of you are, I doubt there will be too much of a problem. Twins rarely turn, but when they do they are a terrifying force.”

Vader smiled. “Thank you, Lord Bane,” he said.

“Now… tell me your story, Lord Pyros, Lord Vader. How did you turn?”

Pyros smirked. “It’s a long story,” he said. “But it started when we were sent on a mission to rescue the Supreme Chancellor…”


So, this is the basic premise of my AU. Sidious gets too greedy (well, there are other reasons as well), turns both Anakin and Obi-Wan, and pays for it. This story has stalled, been in hibernation, been pulled out for me to write a page or five, rinse wash repeat for quite a while. I’ve got some 100 pages of various material, some of which will be cut out, some of which will stay in. Now, I really want to finish it. But I need encouragement, and bullying. I would love if I could start posting the story proper before The Force Awakens. Of course, I would start getting ideas for this story again just about as soon as I start an extremely busy section in work… As in, it’s taken me a week to write this little snippet, which might not even appear in the story itself!

star wars, writing, fic, fic: star wars

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