I can't do a self-promotion because there's no self to promote!!!!! Everyone who isn't already looking at me, look at me!!!!! Yay!!!!!
I'm just teasing Chad. I wish I could be as cool as him... But I can't write!!!! I have nothing to write about!!!! I wanna be a writer....
So to see the amazing stuff that I can't do, look here!!!!!
chad_rostan This is a story set waaaaaaaaay back when on a plantation. It's COOL!
darkwanderer This is two stories about this big insane guy or something. He's a werewolf!!! It looks really neat even though there's not much done with it yet. I'm curious!!!!
svoda This is the other Chad story, the one I first read. He's a teenager who is gay and kills things and has sex with boys. Sounds like fun!!!!
But SOMEONE (muttermutter
growing_warycoughmutter) hasn't UPDATED the Chad stories in a while... But ya know what????? It's GOOD because he's updating the Lupin wolfy-man ones. I like that character. He sounds like a jerk.