I hate people.

Dec 19, 2003 13:59

I sincerely do.

Last night two teenage boys were stranded out here because they got a flat tire. They came knocking on my door, and the kind heart I have [that my father often says will be my undoing] told me to let them use my phone. I even waited out in the cold and dark with them until another boy came with a spare tire. What do I get out of it?

They hurt my dog.

We have a very large sheep dog outside, old and gentle. He's at least going on thirteen human years, and has never harmed a soul in his life. We use him to herd cows and scare away stray dogs now and then. He loves people, and tends to follow me on my heels whenever I go outside. When I left the boys he was still at their side, guarding them throughout the night until they got their tire changed. I assumed they would be on their way, so I left Shaggy there and went to bed.

This afternoon I went outside to feed him, and found him hiding underneath my car. When I finally coaxed him out, I was utterly horrified.

The tip of one of his ears has been sliced open, there's a long slash in his thigh, and the area around his eye has been stabbed.

I wanted to cry. I still want to cry.

life: personal

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