I'm trying to get the feel for Virgil, but it's hard because I'm one of those people who like to turn their drawing tablet sideways when they draw. And if you do that with a digital tablet, it throws of your perception, and your lines don't go where you want them to go. Eh, I know that didn't make much sense, but maybe it does to those that have used tablets before.
I doodled with
Enduro in openCanvas tonight. I sketched around, laying down the base for a decent looking elf, and Endy completed one in like thirty minutes. It was depressing to see how far I have to go. My hand just isn't steady enough yet, but I guess I can't expect miracles after only having Vigirl for two days.
pheer the ears )
I left Endy's drawing on there so that you can compare someone who's had a tablet for a year and a half [Enduro] to someone who just got their tablet two days ago [Kirei]. My lines are very shakey, not smooth and flowing. Which is why I didn't put much effort into the hair or make the outfit complicated. My lines are also much thicker, but I think that was because I would double-back over them to try and straighten them out. Well, at least I didn't lose my sense of anatomy when transferring to the tablet. She doesn't look all wanky or anything.