I R having no idea.

Aug 11, 2005 03:36

Work magic with me, my Beautiful Assistants. Gasp, shock, I finally found something I don't know how to do in Photoshop.

While creating this new T.M.Revolution layout, I ran into a snag. Most of the graphics were hand drawn, and the 3D ribbon is no exception. However, after I drew the ribbon I realized I have no clue if there's a way to type text in PS at an angle without simply arbitrary rotating the layer. I also don't know if there's a way to warp the text [ i.e. shrink and expand ] as demonstrated here. I knew how to recreate these effects in Paint Shop Pro, but I no longer have the program. So.

I realize this is one of those layouts where you're either going to really love it or really hate it, but crits are welcome. I'm going to attempt to make the pistons in TMR's back move, but I'm afraid I may end up with too much animation. I did have it so that he was blinking, but the loop made him seem a bit creepy.

design: graphics, design: photoshop, design: manip, journal: photos

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