
Jul 27, 2020 18:57

Hi! :)

This journal is mostly unlocked again. If you've stumbled here from some ancient archive of DBSK fic then welcome... Not everything is public again as there are some stories that never need to see the light of day again (Yoochun with three penises, anyone? Sweet baby J...) but for the most part I've done a lot of unlocking. The reasons I closed this journal with were solid, but those reasons aren't so important anymore. I guess that after I closed this I realised how much I hated my stories blahblah etc etc and I suppose I needed those two years to step away from fandom and writing to see the bigger picture - they're just stories. Good, mediocre or plain terrible, they're just stories and if people want to read them then, well, go for it.

So enjoy! Or not, whatever. :) Thanks for the support, fandom. I'm shocked and humbled, in a way, that I still get comments and messages more than SIX (cripes where does time go?) years after I stopped posting. You're awesome!

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