Happy New Year!

Aug 28, 2012 13:12

...8 months late!

Hi everyone,

I apologize profusely for leaving you hanging these past few months. I was very busy with finishing up my last year of university, and the things that follow that, so I did not have a chance to finish up making icons from the last series of Doctor Who, as well as from other fandoms.

I greately appreciate your patience with me, as always. A new series of Doctor Who is starting up this Saturday, and I look forward to making a new batch of icons that will probably be ready by either the Monday or Tuesday following the episode (I'm going to be away for the weekend, so I won't get a chance to make them right away). I'm currently preparing a batch of backgrounds for text icons, so I can be ready for when the episode rolls around.

Again, thanks for your patience. I will hopefully be updating more frequently since I am done with school.

P.S. I'm thinking of changing the layout of this journal as well, so stay tuned for that!



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