(no subject)

Jun 06, 2007 14:17

Some aspects of me and how I perceive life as of late have never been better. Others just can't seem to exit my life due to immaturity, disrespect, and other stupid shit.

First of all, if you don't want me in my life, whether it be your decision, your mother's decision, your best friends' decisions, your sister's decision, or your dog's decision. Then leave me alone.

Second of all, if you want to live a lie by doing so. Leave me alone.

I could go on and on forever, but it all boils down to LEAVING ME THE FUCK ALONE.

You've thrown my heart to the ground, stepped on it, ripped it apart, and probably ate it with a spoon. Don't you think that's enough?

I think I am done venting right now.
I have a trip to go on, with a friend that cared much more than I had thought.
Everyone have a great week for me, I'll be the miserable one with the hollow smile on his face.
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