I just need to share my little secret with you. I play Sims 3 and I actually like it a lot. In fact it's much more comfortable for playing and it includes a lot of interesting possibilities in game world, a lot more than we have in sims 2. I need to face it I'm tired of Sims 2 where I know everything but I can't do more than it can be possible. Remember the sims 2 deserts where it's impossible to make a normal-looking plateau? It looked wrong every time when I tried to make it. I've discovered that the terrain texture looks different between neighborhood view and lot view. When I load a house the terrain has only one texture covering the whole neighborhood. It doesn't matter if you have mountains or rivers. You can only see your one solid texture covering the whole neighborhood. It pisses me off. Also I don't like skill system in Sims 2. As an example if you've reached the top of the creativity skill by writing novels and you're a writer now you also can play the guitar as if you're the best talented guitar maniac. It seems pretty wrong to me. There's more than one moment that makes me want to scream "Why?! Why do I have to keep playing with all of these stupid things?". But The Sims 2 is a good game. Actually if you've never played it before you need immediately install it on your computer and enjoy every piece of it. I'm not saying The Sims 2 is pretty awful for me. It just seems wrong to keep on playing a game with no real level of enthusiasm.
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