Jun 06, 2004 17:00
my mom is such a fucking drama queen...she makes a big deal about everything...i went to the mall with sam yesterday because we first intended to go to khakis but it was closed...so we decided to go to nordstroms...i left a message on the answering machine at home saying i was going to the mall and of course she wasnt home because she was sitting for hours in the karate place watching her favorite child get his black belt...then she calls me wen im trying clothes on and shes liek where the fuck r u....im like im at the mall.....then she creates this huge scene and everyone within a mile radius can hear her yell at me thro the fone saying that she said i wasnt allowed to go to the mall even tho she gave me no restrictions...then i come home and its all quiet...she doesnt yell at me or nething so i figured ok this is awesome i dont have the fucking immigrant on my ass...and i had a good nite....then she doesnt talk to me all day which was awesome...i swear to god it was the best day of my life...until now...we were eating lunch and i was making fun of her cuz she yelled at me for going to the mall...god i could probably tell her im in california and she wouldnt yell at me...but no god forbid im in the mall in the same state...then she started yelling and i told her that she completely exaggerated and blew everything out of proportion...errr....she makes me wanna..GRRR...i dunno wat she makes me want to do but it would probably be something drastic...i think this is the longest lj entry i have ever written....i dont normally wwrite this much....hmmm...and to think its all about my gay mom.