Jo's Blogs

Nov 03, 2006 15:27

First thing I have to say is that I'm glad that I didn't read the blogs before meeting her character. No offence to anyone who like the character portrayed in the blogs, but I have a feeling that if I read them I would have been less inclined to give her character a chance. That being said, this post is actually analyzing whether there are any hints about what may happen on the show in this blog.

Again, this post contains season 2 spoilers!!!

1) 4747 - for those of you who have already noticed this, please feel free to skip what I'm about to write. In one of her later entries, Jo finds a box containing some of her late father's personal items, but before she can see it her mom takes it away and the only thing she sees are the numbers 4747. In the season 2 premier, the room that the reaper is waiting for Dean in is 4747. Are they connected in some way? I'm not sure, but if they are, does this mean that Jo's dad was a psychic? Did the demon go after his family and that's why he's a hunter, too? I think that this would be very interesting - I know that John's journal said that he went to Missouri and learned the truth - but what if this was just the truth about the fact that the supernatural actually does exist? When talking to the Demon, John said that he knew the truth about Sam and the other children for a while - well, if Jo's dad was a psychic and the demon came after his family, it's possible that while doing research he discoved the truth about why the demon targets psychic children and that he is the one who told John what he knew! I am very interested to see what is in that box - what if that box contains all of William's research on psychics and the demon - it could prove to be one of the best sources of information on what the demon is and how to kill it. That being said, I think that it would be funny that Ellen chooses not to share this information if she knows what's in that box, so that is a point against this theory. Still, it could be that she knows that something important is in that box but her husband never let her in on it and now that he's dead she doesn't want to go prying out of respect for his memory...

2)Gordon - Well, no wonder Ellen warns Sam about Gordon in BL!!! She obviously doesn't trust him after the incident with Jo. That aside, the feeling I get from reading Jo's journal is that she trusts and respects Gordon both as a hunter and a friend. After seeing No Exit, I think that it is completely possible, if not probable, that Jo will be the one to let Sam's secret slip to him. I don't think that it is done out of malice, but out of Jo's need to vent to someone. I actually think that if they wanted to get rid of Jo's character, a good way of doing it would be that she finds out that Gordon is after Sam because of her slip and that while trying to help Sam, Gordon ends up shooting her. I'm not sure if she should be killed or just put into a coma, but I think that this would be an appropriate send-off for her character - dying/comatose because she truly cares about the boys and didn't want for them to get hurt because of her slip during an emotional time.

3) Caleb, etc. - how many other hunters that John knew went to the Roadhouse; is this where he networked with other hunters? More of John's history that is, hopefully, yet to be explored. (And hopefully not just with the comic books - I really want to see JDM back on SN even if it is just in a flashback.)
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