May 11, 2012 13:40
I hit up Project Gutenberg yesterday and now have WAY too much to read in the form of shit that I have always wanted to read but never got a chance to for various reasons. Mostly lack of access given that I live really, really, rural so getting to a library is a massive chore. So yesterday it was just "DOWNLOAD ALL THE THINGS!" mostly a fuckton of Sherlock Holmes stories.
And then I decided I should probably finish reading the second Baccano! book before I start into anything new because I'm already reading way too many things at once. Except once I did I started reading the third one anyway (because oh my god, Claire, I have so many feelings about you~) although I had to stop because a few pages into it I was laughing like an idiot and yelling "FUCKING SHADY INFORMATION BROKERS! XD XD XD" way too much. Because, really. Fucking shady information brokers, you are all the same no matter what point in time.
I'm also thinking "man, I really need to reread The Wolf House". and then write crossovers where Izaya and Blake sit around and talk about Oscar Wilde
And this is why I'm not getting anything accomplished.
fanbabble: drrr