I finally bothered to dig up solid-ish spoilers for book 10 of Durarara (although I really should look harder since I'm not too positive on what happened in 7 or 8 either I am just so fucking lazy when it comes to sifting through crap online. ugh, why can't there be legit translations so I can just buy them. I hate searching for shit. The fact that the manga's getting done and not the books just bugs me. Not that I don't love the manga a lot because out of the three I think it has the best art but ugh. I want the books. And every single related short story ever actually.)
Anyway, book 10. Oh god.
You know. I know that Izaya is an utterly terrible human being and eventually karma would have to bite him because you don't get to be that terrible in fiction and not have equally terrible if not worse things ultimately happen to you as the story begins to wind down (and it's rumoured book 12 is going to be the end of the whole series). And he has been getting bit sort of. He got stabbed at the end of book 6 (on his 25th birthday no less XD) and as much as book 9 was pretty much all about him, he did spend nearly the whole thing kidnapped and being psychologically tortured (although he was mostly in control of that situation so how much the torture affected him is questionable)
But as of the end of 10 he's been slashed by a Saika (which he has been exceptionally good at avoiding in the past) and then got his face smashed. And it is questionable if he's dead or alive and if the latter if he's possessed or not.
Now. Maybe it's just wishful thinking, but I really have trouble believing that one of, if not the biggest, antagonists in the series would die before the last book. I don't know how to feel about the Saika thing. I mean, as much as I would totally read the shit out of any amount of fic involving a Saika!Izaya (especially if it involves him stalking the shit out of Shizuo and showing his love via stabs) and one of the many wild mass guesses I read on TV Tropes that I loved the hell out of involved the theory about him already being host to a non-Saika demon blade of his own (due to how capable he is when it comes to avoiding and deflecting Saika itself)... canon Saika infected Izaya is just so... I don't know. I'd like to believe he's the sort capable of controlling it and being able to do his own thing. But... I just don't like the idea of it being there at all. It just feels so contrary to everything he is. In a series that has its share of preternatural monsters I will always view him as the human monster and I have way too many feelings about human monsters, okay? (ahahahaha, I am going on about this on nothing but personal speculation. Book 11 isn't even out and I'm already complaining about the possibility. I mean, really, he could be dead. Dead!Izaya would be way worse than Saika!Izaya. XD)
Bluuuuh. Izaya. You are awful and probably deserve to die horribly but I really hope you don't and get to run around Ikebukuro being a total dickprince and going on hate dates with Shizuo long after the story ends. I will just be so bummed out otherwise. Possibly even more bummed out than I was at the end of the first season of Kuroshitsuji when I thought Lau died in episode 20. (ahahahaha, there was so much moaning and gnashing of teeth until Mary told me, "No, Immi, it's okay. He comes back in season 2!" And then I was like "well all right then" XD) Man, why do I always get attached to the worst characters ever who usually deserve whatever awful death awaits them.
Okay, and this isn't even touching the whole D: D: D: worthy "Kadota gets attacked or something winds up in a coma" aspect of book 10 that has me making really desperately sad noises. And Walker gets his murderface on and is just generally terrifying. Also Erika is wanting to murder people too but she spends the whole time at the hospital and VAN GANG BABIES! NOOOO! ;~;
Also it sounds like there is a spectacularly amazing scene involving Shizuo and Vorona and Izaya that I want to read like burning. I mean you have no idea how much I want to read it. Because, you know, I ship all the pairings ever.
Tangently related: I wish there was more stuff about Shinichi (or that I could find more stuff anyway). I was rereading that chatlog at the end of book 4 between him and Izaya and I kind of love him a lot. He just sort of fascinates me. Okay, mostly I love him because he clearly taunts the shit out of Izaya and that's awesome. and I don't want to be the only one writing trashy fic about them having cybersex XD
This series. I love it so much. I want all the stories.