I have this dumb AU that I started poking at involving Izaya and Shizuo meeting when they're children as opposed to when they're in high school. Because although I doubt that they would ever get along well, I just like to believe that there would be less attempted murder if they had met when they were younger.
So I'm poking at various scenes, and I've been reading fan translations of the novels that I can find. And although I'm only up to volume 6 so far I keep jumping ahead to peek at bits of volume 9 because it has a really high Izaya content and I have lots of feelings about Izaya. And I was reading one of the scenes with Shizuo and Tom and Vorona and then I started shipping Shizuo/Vorona really, really, hard (because they are just the cutest, cutest CUTEST). And then I started writing this bit for that stupid AU.
Fic. AU. In which Izaya spies on his favourite monster's sex life because he's kind of an obsessive freak. PG-16 ish for mild (mostly implied) sexual content. Shizuo/Vorona, sort of Shizuo/Izaya (if you count Izaya being obsessive and them having really awkward sex a couple times in high school). Also me doing a piss-poor job of writing Izaya as asexual.
[DRRR is so much not mine]
Shizuo doesn't know about the cameras of course.
Despite commenting on several occasions how little he trusts Izaya, it would never occur to him that Izaya would bug his apartment. Not that Izaya particularly bothered with spying on Shizuo anyway. It was simply more to see if he could. And he did. And then he promptly forgot about the whole thing.
Except Izaya never actually forgets anything. More he shifted it to a far back burner, unimportant to his day to day workings. There was simply no need to keep any sort of surveillance on the small-minded lug and as such the fact that he had cameras in place was a bit of a redundancy. Nothing worth paying attention to.
Until Vorona.
It's not that Izaya is particularly jealous. He's well aware of the fact that Shizuo was never quite as fixated on him as the other way around. And other than a bit of vicious, bloody, fumbling in high school that more closely resembled two people trying to murder each other than anything, sex has never been a thing between them. Izaya isn't particularly interested in sex and Shizuo doesn't like violence. And for them sex is violence. It's Izaya waving his knife around until Shizuo makes him drop it (crushing strength that easily could have ground Izaya's wrist to powder and did wind up fracturing one of the bones there once) whereupon Izaya starts biting and clawing and panting like he wants nothing more than Shizuo's dick pushed up inside him, making him scream.
Izaya knows how to scream like he enjoys it. On some physiological level he supposes it's possible that he does enjoy it. He comes and there's all the various electric impulses sparking around in his brain that go with that, but mostly he doesn't particularly care one way or the other. Sex is romanticised as some ultimate declaration of love but that never quite worked in Izaya's head, not when he loves all of humanity.
Sex is just biology. Love, his love, is something more than the hum of chemicals in the brain. He said this once, after their second time while Shizuo smoked and pointedly ignored things like the trickle of blood down his cheek and the mess of bruises starting to blossom on Izaya's skin. Shizuo not commenting until his cigarette was down to the filter.
"I don't care how obsessed you are and how close you think you can keep me, flea. We're not fucking anymore. I don't like the way we do it and you're not really into it anyway. There's no point."
Izaya considered that statement, weighing Shizuo's apparent seriousness against the likelihood of keeping Shizuo close this way, before shrugging. "That's fine."
And that was it, their relationship, such as it was, returned to its vicious status quo and neither of them thought much else about it. Izaya loved all of humanity while occasionally fixating on the oddities (Shizuo being his favourite oddity) and Shizuo vainly tried to control himself while convinced that no one could care about someone like him (because there is a difference between caring and obsession and Izaya has been falling into the latter category since they were eight).
Until Vorona.
When Izaya hears that Vorona is starting to spend the nights with Shizuo he assures himself that he isn't jealous. Then he begins keeping a closer eye on the cameras he has set around Shizuo's apartment. Absently watching a feed of them tangling around each other that is set up in one corner of his monitor while he performs his own nightly machinations online. There is always one eye on that particular window though, even as he bounces from newsfeeds to message boards to chat rooms and back.
He saves clips of them in the act. Files buried within directories within directories, password-locked, encrypted, and hidden at the bottom of a heap of garbage data on one of his many hard drives. He doubts they'll ever be useful for anything in particular but Izaya is well aware of his flaws and being more than a bit of an obsessive informational packrat is one of them. No tidbit is too irrelevant for him to pass over storing away.
It could be considered unusual that he keeps going over them. That he leans back in his chair, watching and rewatching certain parts (the smooth way they switch positions, the long line of Shizuo's back and the awkward off-rhythm twitch of his hips, the way his hands scramble to grab onto anything but Vorona's body when he comes, all the gasps and moans they make because Izaya never does things by half measures so of course there is an audio feed) whenever the mood strikes him. Not that he finds them particularly arousing. Izaya has never found much of anything particularly arousing, nor has this fact ever concerned him. It's simply interesting in the sense that he finds almost everything that Shizuo gets tangled in interesting.
He's considered Shizuo his own personal pet monster ever since they were children. It's only natural that he be just as interested now that his monster has a mate.
He's not surprised that Namie comments on what she refers to as "his disgusting obsession with amateur pornography" and he simply aims his most poisonously saccharine smile in her direction and points out that she's clearly jealous since all of her clumsy attempts to put cameras in her dear brother's bedroom are inevitably discovered. "Although fortunately for you, it's likely that young Seiji thinks it's his unnaturally obsessive girlfriend as opposed to his unnaturally obsessive sister."
To her credit Namie's expression barely changes (this is one of the things he likes about her, not that she's among his particularly favourite humans but she is still amusing to keep around) she simply shakes her head and mutters about his perversity again before going back to her work.
He thinks briefly about attempting to seduce her before shrugging the thought aside, too much trouble with no rewards, and turns his attention back to his own computer. The video feed from Shizuo's apartment continually running in one corner.