1) am failing at everything I attempt to write. I have a bunch written up for fics involving Edward being an amazing vigilante and the next bit of "Faking Normal" and some ridiculous headcanon shit involving Edward's childhood and fills for
these two anonmeme prompts.... and not one of them is actually finished and postable. As such, I'm pretty much hating my brain forever. I should go back to failing at writing about Bolger since I was failing at that pretty damn hard before my brain went, "hey, you know who else is awesome? Edward."
2) connected to the same fandom: I am sad forever that no one wants to write Yuri/Edward because it would just be the worst relationship ever in the most amazing way. Especially when I think about the universe where Edward is a vigilante. Seriously, they run around and make cranky faces at each other, and Yuri kills people and Edward knows it and they keep each others secrets sort of begrudgingly and have hatesex. SOMEONE WRITE THIS FOR ME I DON'T WANT TO WRITE IT MYSELF! And unsurprisingly no one on the anonmeme is obliging because it's not about Barnaby and Kotetsu making eyes at each other which is about 95% of what actually gets written on there. Seriously, fuck anonmemes, this is why I hate them. Sure, they're great for giving me ideas for shit to write, but I never get anything in return ever because everything I love is different and strange.
3) different fandom: since Act 5 ended I started re-reading Homestuck to refresh myself on the whole mess. It's one of those weird fandoms that I really enjoy, and if someone recs me a fic I will probably read it, but I cannot see myself ever writing fic ever. Or even actively looking for fic. Even though sometimes I think I should a part of me is just happier with it as it is. I am still trying very hard to not run off and buy all the music, though. Because I want to. I want to so much. But money. D: