OH MY GOD THIS IS IMPORTANT! (because I am a terrible attentionwhore and I hate posting a fic and then posting something else too soon afterwards because I always feel like it ups the chance of the silly thing not getting noticed so, yea,
Okay, Team Fortress things!!!! SO MANY THINGS!
1) most importantly. "Meet the Medic" is supposed to be coming out on the 23rd as the conclusion of a week-long set of updates. THIS IS WONDERFUL! IT'S ONLY BEEN TWO YEARS YOU KNOW. ♥ OH GOD I CANNOT WAIT! I CAN'T!
2) interesting and fun. The
website has been completely overhauled. Most interestingly, all the comics are now in one easy to find place as opposed to digging to find the proper update they go with. WHICH IS AWESOME! (all the concept art they've added in one easy to find spot is pretty damn cool too... and I'm tempted to download that media kit for all the fonts and logos and things to play with)
3) not entirely relevant to me, but still pretty damn spectacular. To go with this giant weeklong update celebration Valve is currently having a
free week of play. Just download the Steam client, set up your account, download the game and you're good to go shoot bots in the head like I do all the time or actually... you know, maybe brave a proper server or something. I sure as fuck wouldn't but shooting bots in the head is always fun!
I may actually start playing for a bit again. I know I said I was going to during the double drop-rate week and didn't but I might. It's been a long time since I've just pissed around. Maybe I should just play and not try to worry about getting a drop. XD