I am terribly bored, okay! :D :D D:
→ Take a screenshot of your desktop.
→ Take a screenshot your media player (if you have one up).
→ Take a screenshot of another program you have up.
→ Pick a tab you have up and take a screenshot of it.
My desktop wallpaper continues to be on the eternal 20 minute rotation. So this is the one that was currently up. and then five minutes later it switched to Pearson and Bolger making out which is WAY MORE AWESOME.... this one is still adorable though ^^
I NEVER HAVE A MEDIA PLAYER OPEN! LIKE EVER. Unless I'm doing some really, really, REALLY boring grinding in Warcraft. Then I will listen to Danger Days like a billion times in a row. But otherwise it is so not open. So there. XD
WRITING ABOUT SCOUT WANTING TO BANG SNIPER FOREVER, BTW! (hm... that sentence is constructed oddly. Does Scout want to bang Sniper forever or am I just writing about it forever... BOTH ACTUALLY! :D :D :D XD) And also forever jamming multiple fics all into the same file. The one above the line is actually my "Scout randomly pops out of respawn a woman" ridiculous genderswap fic. :D :D :D
ALSO RE-READING ADORABLE TEAM FORTRESS FIC FOREVER! Seriously, there's only 33 fics for it up on AO3 and I have read ALL OF THEM. Several of them I have read multiple times like the Heavy/Scout size-kink porn. That was actually surprisingly awesome and kind of cute AND I SWEAR I WILL CONTINUE TO DO THIS UNTIL THE END OF TIME! XD and then I go looking on FF.net for some fic to read and want to scream "OH MY GOD STOP MAKING RED SPY BLU SCOUT'S FATHER, OKAY!? VALVE HAS UNOFFICALLY SAID THAT IT'S NOT TRUE SO PLEASE STOP BECAUSE IT MAKES ME WANT TO CLAW MY OWN EYES OUT! ALSO NEVER EVER EVER MAKE UP NAMES FOR THEM BECAUSE THAT GIVES ME A SIMILAR REACTION! UUUUUGH! *claw claw claw*" Honestly, when even Valve giving them names has me making :/ faces (and thus far it's only been RED's Demo and BLU's Soldier and Engineer who have been named in canon) I'm sure as FUCK not going to accept any fanon ones. I need to stop looking at FF.net.