This is not counting the various bits of insane memefic and commentfic I did through the year, since I tend to lose track of those ones. This is just everything I had listed in my LJ memories.
Ccapac Apu is totally like Illyria (5Ds AU, gen)
Random Mass of Zero Reverseless-verse snippets (5Ds AU, gen, some Kiryu/Crow)
Satisfaction Town (5Ds AU, gen, Kiryu/Crow/Aki pending)
Pearson and Bolger snippets (5Ds, Pearson/Bolger)
Winters (5Ds, Pearson/Bolger)
Symmetry (5Ds AU, gen)
snippets: Crow meets Gretchen, Kiryu meets Ash (5Ds/Wolf House crossover, gen)
When They Meet (snippet) (5Ds, gen)
Perfection (5Ds AU, Burn it Down-verse, gen)
When They Meet (complete) (5Ds, gen bonus of me and Gale being ridiculous and RPing Pearson and Bolger in the comments XD)
All of This (5Ds, Pearson/Bolger)
When They Meet pt. 2 (5Ds, gen)
Motorcycles Don't Fly... (5Ds, Pearson/Bolger)
WIP snippet dump (various nonsense)
Dual Memories (5Ds AU, Crow/Aki, Pearson/Bolger, onesided Rick/Bolger)
the Aiapaec!Crow fic (5Ds AU, gen)
Yusei is a creepy psycho (5Ds AU, gen)
When They Kiss (5Ds, Pearson/Bolger)
A Place To Start Over (5Ds AU, Satisfaction Town-verse, gen)
another mass of WIP snippets (even more varied nonsense)
"holy shit, you guys! The 'Na Na Na' video is amazing and I need to write a crossover! :D" (5Ds/Killjoys crossover, gen)
further crossover with Pearson & Bolger, TeamSat and Crow & Aki (5Ds/Killjoys crossover, gen)
more crossover with Crow, Aki & Sherry (5Ds/Killjoys crossover, gen)
Rick used to work for BLI (5Ds/Killjoys crossover, gen)
The Third Year (5Ds, Bolger/Rick)
Sharp and Strong (5Ds, gen, vague Pearson/Bolger)
Giftfic about Reggie (GX mangaverse, gen, vague David/Reggie)
Giftfic about Kiryu & Yusei (5Ds, gen, vague Kiryu/Yusei)
The First Day After (5Ds alternate headcanon, gen, vague Pearson/Bolger)
the DS!Pearson fic (5Ds AU, gen, vague Pearson/Bolger)
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted?
It's always about the same year to year, I never tend to make any predictions, I tend to just write and post
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January 2010?
Lawl, why hello there Pearson and Bolger. They didn't even exist until the end of January, showed up for two episodes (actually not even) and stole my heart away forever and ever and ever... even though I didn't actually start writing about them until May. Assumably I spent several months cheerfully obsessing though. XD
What's your favorite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest.
Ahahahaha. My fic is never popular. But as for making me happy, all of them make me happy. If you put a gun to my head screaming 'choose!' I'd still be waffling between either "Sharp and Strong" or the ridiculous Killjoys crossover.
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
Not so much, no. The riskiest thing I did was probably stretching beyond my comfortable batch of characters I write to do those couple of giftfics. Certainly not enough to learn anything, save for the fact that writing Reggie can be fun.
Do you have any fanfic goals for the New Year?
I would like to go back to all those little verses I've all but abandoned. Like the Burn it Down-verse or the Zero Reverseless-verse or Marked!Aki. I will probably continue to start a billion things and not finish any of them though.
From my past year of writing, what was ...
My best story
Hurr... I have no idea, especially since I never actually finish anything. Maybe Aiapaec!Crow? What little is actually done of it. Or Killjoys crossover.
My most popular story
I stand by my "nothing I write is actually popular" stance, although the "Yusei is a creepy psycho" fic seemed to draw a lot of positive attention by my writing's standards. Which depresses the FUCK out of me by the way and only goes to solidify my belief that the only way anyone in this fandom gives a shit about what you're doing is if you write about Yusei.
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion
"Sharp and Strong" Hands down. I poured my heart and soul and everything into that mess of headcanon and no one gives a shit but me. Because, you know, nobody (in the English speaking fandom anyway) actually gives a shit about Pearson and Bolger except for me. I am not exaggerating this point, I know this as fact. If you actually know someone who does, please introduce me because otherwise I'm going to call you a liar who is toying with my emotions. XD
Most fun
Killjoys crossover. It's a ridiculous brain-eating mess and I got the hugest kick ever out of playing with that universe.
Sexiest story
I have no rightful idea. I didn't do much in the way of sex this year.
Story with the single sweetest moment
The Crow and Aki stuff in "Dual Memories" maybe? I like Crow and Aki being sweet and adorable with each other.
Most "Holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story
The Kiryu/Party Poison fic that exists only in my brain? XD Um, I dunno. Everything seems pretty par for the course for me on a wrongness level. I'm always writing terribly wrong things.
Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters
Possibly when I started playing around with that alternate headcanon for Pearson and Bolger. When I play with the idea of them being the same age and growing up together they actually start acting a hell of a lot differently. It's weird and neat and fun.
Hardest story to write
After a certain point: everything I write ever. I have a billion brilliant ideas, and then I stop. But probably the top of the list is Aiapaec!Crow. It Needs to exist so badly. And I have no idea what to do with it. XD
Most unintentionally telling story
Erm... I have no idea. Really.