oh, hey, it's an asston of gamebabble

Jul 31, 2010 12:47

Ahahahaha. The next Sims 3 expansion has been announced (because, you know, it's the Sims. They have to average at least one expansion a year and yes, EA, I will still keep giving you my money because you are STILL not as bad as Activision.)

Anyway, the next expansion there will be dive bars (and other nightclub type places, but the dive bars thing delights and amuses me so) and vampires involved. I do hope the vampires will retain somewhat normal skin tones as opposed to that weird purple-grey colour they turned in Sims 2. That really ticked me off (just like in that last Sims 2 expansion where if you made an evil witch they would turn green. I WOULD LIKE MY PRACTITIONERS OF THE DARK ARTS TO RETAIN A NORMAL HUMAN SKIN TONE, THANK YOU, MAXIS! For what it's worth, good witches went sparkly. I wonder if someone ever did a mod that swapped the sparkly witch skin tone onto the vampire one. I totally wouldn't be surprised. XD)

ANYWAY! I totally can't wait for this to come out, I wish to wreak havoc. And have ridiculous vampires running around. Although it would be extra epic if you could have vampire hunters running around too. I have insanely been considering a Sim!Wolf House for months now. This will just make it that much more tempting......... also, it will probably not take long for Benji-Crow to join the ranks of the undead. Because I am a horrible person

Moving on! I am back to playing Tag Force 4 again! Because every so often I decide to dig it out and I really do still need to play through Kiryu's story. Because Kiryu is just generally hilarious. (I also want to get through young!crazy!Aki's.... and there's a bunch I still haven't beaten yet because I got stuck. Like Carly's and Jack's --with Jack's I know I got stuck because I had to face Yusei and Crow and that's like broken deck squared. It doesn't even matter that I'm running Blackwings too. My broken deck is no match for their broken decks XD-- and Ushio and Mikage I think I got their first heart filled each and then just couldn't beat their first story point because it was too damn hard.) Anyway, the disturbing cosplayers have started surfacing in there for me finally. And I have just found out that they call themselves the 5Cs and laughed far too hard over it. They need to return for Tag Force 5. SO MUCH. Except there needs to be more of them, because the world needs a disturbing looking Crow cosplayer in video game form. I'm also quietly praying that Bolger will be in Tag Force 5 because... fuck yes. Please, please PLEASE. ..........it will never happen. But god it would be epic.

Warcraft! Ahahahaha. I am going to be doing the Argent Tournament dailies for the REST OF MY LIFE! For serious. Currently, provided I'm not lagging and don't ragequit that one quest to kill the commander things, I'm getting six Champion Seals a day (it was three, which was even more disheartening, but I got the Sunreaver dailies unlocked now too --completely without trying, which was nice-- so that's a little better) But it's 100 seals for a mount... times six (five Horde factions + Sunreavers) Plus forty for a pet... times six. Plus fifty for a tabard... times six. [ETA: plus the Sunreavers have that extra flying mount for 150 seals, and there's the banners for fifteen... times five ^^] And that's not counting when I get the Argent Crusade quatermaster unlocked (which is going to take forever on its own.) Playing solo all the time kinda sucks when you want to get shiny things. XD XD XD

I did finally poke through wowhead enough to figure out where to get that lovely Ebon Blade tabard though. Which I am wearing for purely aesthetic reasons (seriously, never taking it off of her, cause I ♥ it XD). I really should be on a RP server, I swear. XD I keep meaning to transfer my main to the server Poet plays on but a) it's twenty five dollars and b) that server is so high-population I kinda find myself going :/ a lot. The one I'm currently on actually seems to be at a decent level. Just enough people that the in-game economy doesn't suck and I can make a fair bit of money selling ore and shit. But it's still low population enough that nothing is really overcrowded. Especially the time of day that I play. Although I still don't have the patience to really consistently farm anything. Which is why I still don't have any of those adorable little dragon whelp things. (also, OMG, why has Blizzard not made a Netherwing whelp vanity pet. Because the whelplings are cute, cute, cute and the Netherwings are goddamn beautiful and I seriously want one to exist [ETA: oh wait, I just looked it up. They do exist, you just had to get the Burning Crusade collector's edition. MOTHERFUCKER! I want one. I wasn't even playing back when Burning Crusade came out. D: there is still a tiny part of myself kicking myself over not buying the Lich King collector's edition because the tiny skeletal dragon pet is cute, cute, CUTE too D: .....I may very well buy the Cataclysm one without even knowing what I'm going to get on the off-chance there will be something adorable. Because there probably will be]. I am already totally switching to a netherdrake mount as soon as I finish that goddamn reputation grind. Despite me also enjoying having the total death knight aesthetic going on with my skeletal gryphon mount...... no, seriously, why am I not on an RP server? XD)

And since I have retyped the last portion of this twice now due to the power cutting out.... I think I should stop now. XD

gamebabble, sims crack, gamebabble: ygo, gamebabble: teh wowz

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