Steam had a big sale going on last week up until the fourth where a lot of stuff was hugely discounted (
GOG was sad about this since they couldn't really compete and therefore just tried to make people feel guilty apparently. XD And you know GOG, I love you but your flaw is the fact that you are mostly Good OLD Games. And sometimes I want to buy newer games. Also, you have too many RTSes. Seriously.) ANYWAY! Steam had a sale. And Champions Online was on for like, seven dollars, first month free as most pay to play MMOs are when you buy the game itself. So I bought it because I am an idiot MMO whore despite the fact that I hate people and wish to solo EVERYTHING FOREVER. XD (EVE was actually on sale for two bucks, and I thought about it, but after playing the trial that one just isn't worth it for me. Especially since I didn't even play the full 14 days of the trial)
Anyway, ANYWAY! I finally activated my account today, spent all morning patching because the brother is using all the bandwidth downloading his Steam sale purchases and am remaking my character because I can't even remember what I had going on when I downloaded it for that free weekend last Halloween. My point is, someone needs to talk me out of giving my character Yubel eyes. Because I TOTALLY COULD! Even though it would be silly and very much not suit my gadget making skillset from an aesthetic standpoint. It's Yubel eyes! :D
Also, I should be in bed right now instead of building a character.