I haven't bothered watching the 5Ds raw (and I probably won't because I really need to go to bed and I can wait until the subs anyway) but just one quick thing that I picked up reading the discussion thread on it.
Crow takes care of orphans.... Or something. Which kinda makes my cold, black, heart melt and go *squish* a bit. Mostly because of mental associations to other boys in YGO series who take care of orphans (and happen to be orphans and I seriously wonder if Crow is one.... Because in my head canon he totally is, and he lived in that orphanage Edo donated money to and.... Yes. Totally. I don't care what proper canon is. This is truth. XD)
[ETA: Unrelated:
praiseofshadows and I have totally decided that Emeralda (who, despite only being in two episodes is goddamn awesome) is totally Edo's mother. Or more, the mother he never had while growing up and totally needs. I mean, seriously, for a sponsor she goes above and beyond the call of duty.
Dressing up like Bridget Kiddo or something and sneaking onto a boat to steal back the card Mike stole and almost getting into a kung-fu fight with Judai in the process. So, yea, she totally mothers Edo.
And I wrote commentfic about it. XD]