And now I am writing fic attempting to get into Number Five's head. Because although Séance is still my favourite, I think I find Five a little more interesting. Probably because he actually does more (while Séance mostly appears to be there just for the lulz) and yet is still off to the side when compared to the rest... Which is how I like it. You know how I feel about side characters! Besides, today's prompt on
31_days totally said, "write fic about the ending of Apocalypse Suite involving Number Five!" to me. And I went: "OKAY!"
Title: The Future May or May Not Be Set
Day/Theme: July 2 - all this leads to one outcome
Series: Umbrella Academy
Character: Number Five
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Umbrella Academy is the product of Gerard Way's strange little brain, not mine. And being fannish over something that I can attribute to Gerard Way still makes me giggle a lot due to the fact that I have yet to (and will probably never) succumb to bandom.
It ends in a wash of blood. Something that he has not become unfamiliar with in the fifty-odd years since he ran away from home and straight into the end of the world. When it comes down to kill or be killed, Five will never hesitate.
So when the only visible option is pulling the trigger on Hargreeves's old revolver and putting a bullet in Vanya's skull, he doesn't even blink. Mostly because he doesn't want to die, although he's become rather fond of the non-ended world now that he's back in it that he really doesn't want to see it end again. But ultimately, his heroics are still carried out in the name of simple self-preservation.
(and on some level it could be considered ironic that in running away from becoming a hero he wound up doing it anyway)
But then Vanya mumbles that what she's started can't be stopped (and that she would stop it if she could but she's incapable of it now) and a hundred different thoughts hit him in a split-second rush. That perhaps Hargreeves was right in telling him that it was impossible to travel backwards in time, if only because it's impossible to change the future in doing so. He time-jumped into a dead world and by god the world will die. Even if he's the one to kill it himself. Or at the very least, assist in killing it.
With all that twisting through his brain, Five proceeds to tell Vanya precisely what he thinks of her.
Then it ends.
Although not quite how he thought it might. Thankfully.