Heathrow Airport

May 13, 2008 00:50

I like long-distance flights. There's always a feeling of international and ultra-modern about them. This time, it was British Airways, in fact, my first experience with the airline. The in-flight "Business Life" magazine featured a story about a clothes chain owner's typical week: "On Monday, I wake up just before 6 a.m. in my house in Monte-Carlo<...> I take a private jet to London<...> When interviewing someone for a clothes store manager position, I give him a few thousand pounds and suggest to buy what he thinks is missing". An energy particle of someone who does what he wants and the way he feels it, to the very limit; freedom and discipline perfectly matched together.
Fine, BA - so, changing in Heathrow. Now, that is the place where you feel like you're tomorrow, in the post-racial and global world. Imagine how it feels to be checked by a bearded Afghani in a turban with a metal detector. Or having a Czekh draft beer in the airport bar. Everything is efficient, relaxed, with no trace of security paranoia so habitual for most airports. Around you - thousands and thousands of people who think they know where they're going...

I want to live in London one day.
No. I will live in London one day. Not ready for it yet though; still have to catch up on good manners ;)
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