Summary: Not all aliens are litte gray men.
Word count: 422 words
Characters: Daniel Jackson, Jack O'Neill, Sam Carter, Teal'c
Era: Late S2
Categories: Humor
Author's notes: This is what happens when I watch E.T. while thinking about the Alphabet Soup. :-) You can read the other 25 stories
here Excerpt: Jack thumbed the safety off his P-90 and finally spoke to Daniel again: “Looks like E.T. has decided to pay us a visit.”
“Huh?” Not comprehending, Daniel finally turned to gaze across the vast mesa surrounding the Stargate they had stepped through roughly thirty minutes ago - and stared open-mouthed.
E is for Extraterrestrial
by immertreu
July 18, 20015
“Daniel!” Jack O'Neill barked, startling their resident archaeologist out of his reverie and into the here and now.
“Yes, Jack?” Daniel replied guiltily, forcing his gaze away from the fascinating stone object in his hands, which he'd been studying for the past few minutes. It could be this planet's version of a throwing weapon. Or some kind of currency. Or maybe it was just a pretty, arrow-shaped rock after all. Daniel pocketed it and turned to his impatient team leader - who in turn didn't look at him anymore but into the far distance instead.
“Carter, look alive!” he ordered. “Teal'c, take cover until we know more.”
Their team members complied without question. Sam straightened and looked around carefully. Teal'c, imposing as ever, and his staff weapon vanished behind some kind of scraggy vegetation that looked to be the alien variant of a blackberry bush.
Jack thumbed the safety off his P-90 and finally spoke to Daniel again: “Looks like E.T. has decided to pay us a visit.”
“Huh?” Not comprehending, Daniel finally turned to gaze across the vast mesa surrounding the Stargate they had stepped through roughly thirty minutes ago - and stared open-mouthed. The inhabitants of P2A-577 that came trotting towards them in a long procession did indeed resemble the famous movie alien. But that was only a puppet, wasn't it?
“Uhm,” he mumbled, for once lost for words, and quirked an eyebrow at his friend, trying to regain his equilibrium. “I thought we had established that aliens are little gray men?”
Jack snorted, loosening his stance while trying to appear harmless to the approaching company. “They look greenish-brown to me.” He observed the leader of the E.T.-like aliens separating from the rest of the group and nudged Daniel on. “You're up. Have fun!” Under his breath his added, “We should have brought a phone...”
Daniel scowled at him but took a few steps forward, a smile on his face and hands held up in the universal - or so he still hoped - sign of peace. Jack and Sam followed in his wake, one step behind and to the left and right, respectively, keeping an eye on their new “friends”.
When Daniel finally stood face-to-face with the big-headed, blue-eyed alien whose long limbs and huge eyes in a friendly face were eerily reminiscent of Steven Spielberg's extraterrestrial, he nodded politely and spoke: “Hello, my name is Daniel Jackson. We're peaceful explorers from Earth...”
The End