I _______ Sean.
Sean is _______.
Sean needs _______.
I want to _______ Sean.
Sean can _______.
Someday Sean will _______.
Sean reminds me of _______.
Without Sean _______.
Sean can be _______.
Sean is always _______.
The worst thing about Sean is _______.
The best thing about Sean is _______.
I think Sean should _______.
If Sean was an animal, she'd be a(n)
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Sean is uber awesome.
Sean needs money to make films.
I want to hug Sean.
Sean can 'lick my sweaty nut sack, and he can bite my ass too' [piece of shit car].
Someday Sean will get laid.
Sean reminds me of little boy george.
Without Sean I would've been lonely at playkeepers and the neighborhood would have been tres boring :(.
Sean can be hysterical.
Sean is always nice to me, talkative, and funny.
The worst thing about Sean is HE'S A FLIPPIN' MIDGET.
The best thing about Sean is taste in music and humor.
I think Sean should make love to a muffin.
If Sean was an animal, he'd be an I don't know.
Right now, I bet Sean is thinking about letting me borrow his bowling for soup CD this summer and seeing me.
Sean makes me want to ride my bike in his circle... naked.
Sean probably tastes like a potatoe.
If I could spend the day with Sean I would listen to music and lounge about either of our houses [although maybe not his because I'm allergic to cats.
I'd spank for Sean.
Sean is made of cotton balls.
Sean is one of my oldest friends.
If I could be Sean for a day I would go around pretending to be daniel radcliffe.
I want to give Sean his own studio where he can make tons of movies.
The song … by …. reminds me of Sean [too many to choose from].
The character harry potter in the harry potter series reminds me of Sean.
Sean should play the ukulele in a star search contest and become the next 'naked cowboy'.
Sean should sing me a song about horny donkeys and porcupines.
Sean should wear a fish barrel.
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