
Sep 25, 2008 23:18

Choo-choo!  The train is going!!!  Wheee!!!

Okay, maybe I'm losing it. XD

Anyways, so the interview didn't really feel like an interview since they NEED people to fill up their empty posts.  And it turns out it's NOT a call center but the Standard Charted Bank's debt collection department.  They are going through a number of applicants and will call us back to ask whether we want the job.  Apparently it's a high stress job with a very high drop out rate.  I mean, you have to CALL people and say "GIMMIE YOUR MONIEZ!!!"  But they do provide on the job training.  Pay is low at RM1.1k, but there are HUGE incentives if you can perform above your quota.  I'm still tossing around whether I should go for it...  Seems like major hard work, and the hours are extra long too!  But it's so tempting to go for it because it seems like a huge challenge. XD  Gosh, why do I like to torture myself. @__@

There's this other job interview I'm going to go to tomorrow at 9:30 am.  I think this one is a lot more low profile, so I'm not expecting anything spectacular out of it.  So I'll see how it goes!!  Almost bedtime!

PS I'm not sure if Audiosurf is cool or not, but I know I'm not particularly enjoying using it to MY music.  I'd prefer music I've never heard before.  Time to look up that Orange Box Soundtrack.
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