Friends Only. Comment to be added. Also another note - I lost who did this banner so PLEASE if anyone knows tell me so I can credit them.
1) I have to know you to some extent. I mean, we need to share some similarities or at least have seen each other around. Even if we have comment interests I may not add you unless I trust you. =) But give it a shot!
2) I can be really really weirddddd and grumpy at times. This is my journal, so please just understand and respect that and if you don't agree with an opinion that's fine! what's the fun of having opinions if every one has the SAME? just please don't stress how yours is right.. o.o''''' =)
3) If I add you, I will read your journal as much as possible. HOWEVER, I go to a private school so I'm sorry if I can't comment that often!
4) Please don't make this into an arguement. Meaning I don't mind debates on my journal but no REAL arguements. I hate them and plus it takes up a lot of space, ha. o.O
5) Thanks for reading =P and please if you want to be a friend just comment. I probably won't turn you down.