O.O.C. Permissions

Feb 18, 2018 10:30

4th WALL BREAKING: I'd rather not 
THREADJACKING: If it's fine with the other person, then sure.
BACK THREADING: Of course! I always do this, so please go ahead!

MIND READING: Sure. He has the memories of Szilard and the 20+ people Szilard "ate," so it'll probably seem kind of crazy, but not too bad since he kinda sorta almost has it under control.  
SPECIAL/MAGICAL ITEMS: Sure. Any damage would probably heal anyway (if the item has some immortality-nullifying powers, please tell me.)

FIGHTING CAPABILITIES: He's spent pretty much his whole life in an enviornment where he's had to be able to fight, and was trained by the best fighters in his Camorra Family, so he's very capable in both knives and hand-to-hand. He's also easily provoked to violence. 
INJURY/DEATH: Any damage will heal pretty much instantly due to immortality, so go ahead.

If you are so inclined, you can cut off his fingers/ears/etc. and stuff them in a sealed box or bottle to keep them from going back. A similar thing can be done with death; if a knife is lodged in his spine he'll stay down until it's out. If you really want to kill/torture him and aren't sure what'll work, just ask. 
WIN/LOSE/TIE: Subject to opponent and situation.
MEDICAL/PHYSICAL INFO: He can be injured, but it heals very quickly and severed bodyparts will re-attach. He's a very short, but otherwise healthy and fit, 18 (physically) year old boy.

ROMANCE/RELATIONSHIPS: Any romance would pass right over his head, but he'd absolutely love any friends/potential surrogate family members. 
SEXUAL RELATIONS: This is the kid who chickened out on his honeymoon after living innocently with the girl for 72 years. He's also totally smitten with said girl back home, so this is pretty much impossible. 
PHYSICAL CONTACT: Physical contact makes him uncomfortable, unless it's coming from a close friend.  He'll get freaked out, so go right ahead!

He's kind of judgemental, but on the other hand, is very excusing of flaws in his friends. He can't stand traitors, whether it be to an ideology or family members and will probably be a huge jerk to people like that.

Any teasing about his height or looks will not be taken well if it's coming from someone who isn't a friend. Making fun of his shortness will earn you dirty looks and a place on his most-hated list, and suggesting he looks like a girl might get you stabbed.

Also, he likes to show off his immortality to the unsuspecting, so don't get too freaked out if he stabs himself.

permissions, ooc

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