1.) Describe your character’s relationship with their mother or their father, or both. Was it good? Bad? Were they spoiled rotten, ignored? Do they still get along now, or no? Nonexistent. His mother died giving birth to Nero when he was young (well she was absorbed by darkness as he popped out but same difference), and it's unknown who his father was. Even if both were alive and present they probably wouldn't have a 'relationship', it's more likely his mother was a scientist of some sort who was providing offspring for experimentation.
There IS a chance that she didn't consent to the experiments and that she cared about Weiss and Nero, but nothing really supports this. As far as Weiss is concerned, it doesn't matter anyway. It's not something he really cares about.
2.) What are your characters most prominent physical features? Most definitely his hair, with his muscular build coming in second. Those are probably about the only two things that stick out when meeting him, and other than that he's pretty plain. Though he does have a surprisingly nice smile now and then herp derp.
3.) Name one scar your character has, and tell us where it came from. If they don’t have any, is there a reason? He doesn't have any that are visible, which is about 50% of him :| As for the reason, it's probably thanks to the enhancements experiments and whatnot gave him, resulting in his body being more or less indestructible.
Though, if we count his time at Edelweiss, he'd have a vertical one going down his abdomen from where one of the doctors cut him open. 8D
4.) How vain is your character? Do they find themselves attractive? It's not something he really thinks about, actually. He's not particularly modest but he doesn't consider his appearance/looks all that important.
5.) What’s your character’s ranking on the Kinsey Scale? X - Nonsexual! Sex and intimacy and the like aren't relevant to his interests. He's not at all an affectionate person and is sorta too cold and distant to be interested in something so personal. Sure violent sex exists but |: he'd rather just have the violence.
Assuming he was interested though he'd probably be about a 1? Idk.
6.) Describe your character’s happiest memory. That one time when he and Nero were on a picnic but the ants carried away their basket so they went paddle boating instead--
No but seriously heee probably doesn't have one. There have been times when he's felt content, and he takes enjoyment in fighting, and he's taken pride in his strength, but he doesn't know what it means to be happy. It's not something he's aware of missing out on, so he doesn't really dwell or pay much attention to the fact. It's an emptiness he's used to, sadly.
7.) Is there one event or happening your character would like to erase from their past? Why? Overall, Weiss accepts his past and the events contained in it. However, he probably wouldn't mind getting rid of the whole dying/Hojo possession/Omega fusion thing since that experience was above and beyond distressing. He sought freedom, and that's where it got him. |:
As far as life in Deepground goes and everything that went on, he's already been through it and has already survived it so he's not concerned with changing anything (and besides, picking ONE event from Deepground wouldn't do much because there's probably hundreds more unpleasant memories anyway haha).
8.) Day of Favorites! What’s your character’s favorite ice cream flavor? Color? Song? Flower?
9.) Who does your character trust? Nero, and the other Tsviets to an extent. They're his comrades and he knows how capable they are so he'd trust them fully to carry out whatever he needed done. As for anyone he trusts on a personal level, enough to confide in, probably no one? He's more or less pretty open so there's nothing in particular he takes great pains to 'hide' or avoid, but also doesn't make it a habit or see the point in blabbing a bunch of details about his life and thoughts when he doesn't find them relevant. IDK HE'S A MYSTERY.
10.) Can you define a turning point in your character’s life? Multiples are acceptable. I can't pinpoint a time frame but I imagine that there was a point where he realized Deepground's senseless killing and pursuit of strength were pointless. Looking around realistically he probably realized that no matter what he and the others overcame, it amounted to nothing. He takes a lot of pride in his strength and ability and has no regrets, but he can tell you first hand that rising to the top is a hollow victory. This is probably what set him apart enough from the others to make him an ideal leader who possessed direction, because where everyone else was content to blindly pursue strength he was able to set his sights above that.
11.) Is there an animal you equate with your character?
12.) How is your character with technology? Super savvy, or way behind the times? Letters or email? I picture Weiss is pretty okay with technology! He has the ability to perform a Synaptic Net Dive which involves sending an image of himself into the internet to interact with and gather data. It's implied he can do this alone and without assistance (since apparently no one else was there/involved when he did it to find his cure), so he probably knows his way around technology competently enough. I doubt he's savvy enough to hack things on a whim without the use of an SND, but he's not clueless and all that.
13.) What does your character’s bed look like when he/she wakes up? Are the covers off on one side of the bed, are they all curled around a pillow, sprawled everywhere? In what position might they sleep? His bed probably stays neatly made except for the folded back corner where he slept. I picture him preferring to lay stretched out on his front, which is considerably more comfortable than sleeping upright on a stone throne. I doubt he thrashes around too much or anything but I don't imagine him sleeping too soundly or solidly anyway haha. Part of it is he wouldn't want to fall into too deep of a sleep where he'd be vulnerable and unaware, but also despite his calm outward apathy he probably has a lot of things tugging at his mind and preventing him from being comfortable. |: STILL, stretching out on a bed is better than catnaps on a throne.
14.) How does your character react to temperature changes such as extreme heat and cold? He doesn't seem to react at all considering he doesn't wear a shirt. |: In my head canon his experiments have left him immune to petty things like temperature and thus he will never wear a shirt. Since he can apparently deflect bullets with his palms this isn't too much of a stretch actually.
15.) Is your character an early morning bird or a night owl? Probably a bit of both? I can see him favoring the idea of getting a routine set up and waking up early in the morning, and I imagine staying up late/functioning with little sleep isn't difficult for him. Who knows how long he was chained to that throne away from even the projected sky, so his days and nights probably are understandably mixed up LMAO. Plus yeah I sort of imagine him not sleeping too soundly anyway as I said in #13.
16.) Are there any blood relatives that your character is particularly close with, besides the immediate ones? Cousins, Uncles, Grandfathers, Aunts, et cetera. Are there any others that your character practically considers a blood relative? Nope, Nero is his only known blood relative. Unless you count the Tsviets, since aside from Shelke they all got Genesis' genes. Speaking of, he (mockingly) calls Genesis 'brother' because of this, even though they're technically not related. SO OVERALL, NOPE. Deepground is his family. >|
17.) What’s your character’s desk/workspace look like? Are they neat or messy? For the most part, I imagine that he's probably pretty neat, but not obsessively so. He doesn't get worked up if there's a mess but when left to his own devices he'd keep things reasonably orderly.
18.) Is your character a good cook? What’s their favorite recipe, whether they’re good or not? (Microwave mac-and-cheese applies.) I have no idea honestly. I'm sure they've been trained on how to find and prepare food for survival purposes but since rising to the top and being chained down it's probably a skill he hasn't put to use in ages. Outside of basic things though I'm inclined to believe that cooking is one of the things he isn't good at LMFAO. Mr. Immaculate Emperor starting kitchen fires yes.
19.) What’s your character’s preferred means of travel? Probably walking LMFAO. He's spent enough time being contained underground, inside a mako reactor, being chained down and held still, so now that he has the chance he'd likely prefer to walk everywhere just because he can.
20.) Does your character have any irrational fears? Not really. :| He's pretty practical minded and level-headed so doesn't waste time with dreading things. Deepground is full of horrifying things that he's long since accepted, so he marches into them with a rational, collected head.
21.) What would your character’s cutie mark be? A THRONE. idfk.
22.) If your character could time travel, where would they go? He probably wouldn't, actually. Weiss prefers to focus on the present and what's happening now, so unless there was something valuable to be learned/gained from going backwards or forwards in time he doesn't see the point in dwelling on the past/hurrying the future.
23.) Is your character superstitious? Nope.
24.) What might your character’s ideal romantic partner be?
25.) Describe your character’s hands. Are they small, long, calloused, smooth, stubby? It'd make sense if they were pretty calloused, but considering how smooth and unmarred the rest of him is I'm sure his hands are no different so truthfully they're probably smooth and perfect too. |:
26.) Second day of favorites! Favorite comfort food, favorite vice, favorite outfit, favorite hot drink, favorite time of year, and favorite holiday.
27.) Pick two songs that describe your character at two different points of their life, and explain why you chose them. "
The Unforgiven" by Metallica makes me think of him when he was growing up. Just him adjusting to Deepground and the rules and way of things down there, and doing his best to not fall completely into it.
Wherever I May Roam" by ALSO METALLICA makes me think of him as an adult, and though it's not literal since he has yet to roam anywhere it's like a metaphor for freedom I guess.
28.) If your character’s life was a genre, what would it be? Probably a horror idk. |: KIDNAPPING, TORTURE, BRAINWASHING, BLOOD BATHS, SLAUGHTER, EXPERIMENTATION, INSANITY.
29.) How does your character smell? Do they wear perfume or cologne?
30.) And finally: Write a letter to your character, from yourself.