Jan 10, 2003 16:02
So over the past 2 years, my aunt has been burned pretty bad by men. 2 main men in particular. Sonny, and Ray. Blah. Over the last few months, she's had this crush on Herb. Herb from what I understand is one of the front end managers at Price Chopper. Good so far? Okay. Herb and Tracey have been on a few dates. One of which... I was unfortunate enough to witness. Yea, drama hit that fan after too many drinks between the two but that isn't my point. Well, its part of it. The two got into an arguement, but they made up and now, are so, totally in love with each other, I think its making me sick. In a good way of course. :-)
So at this point in time, Tracey and Herb are "in love." I don't really know why I put that in quotes. Anyway, and they really are. He is over here, upstairs in her apartment every night it seems. She is glowing, its amazing. I have truly never seen my aunt so damn happy. This makes me very happy. She's had a rough couple of years, not to mention a lifetime (which I won't really get into.) and she deserves to be happy. Everyone in my family loves him. (Herb that is.) He's a polite, funny, well-mannered, real man. There is one problem. Well, to set the record straight, I don't see this as a problem. If two people are in love, they are in love. That is that. End of story. Well, My grandfather has a problem with it.
Herb is a black man. Tracey was so against telling my grandfather for one reason: my grandfather is racist. Tracey knows this. So, she didn't tell him. Tracey told Herb she didn't tell him. So what does Herb do? He doesn't get angry. But he tells Tracey that he wants Tracey to tell her father. That it was important that she did. Herb? Smart guy. Yea, it was obvious to Tracey, and the rest of our family that my grandfather would flip shit. But if Tracey didn't tell my grandfather soon, later along the road, when the relationship between Herb and Tracey was more deep, more rooted, the more the "hurt" and "betrayal" my grandfather would feel. Oye.
So. Tracey tells him. I won't play by play that phone converstaion, but I will say this, I have never, ever heard my grandfather so calm, and Tracey so surprised in all my life. Yea, that calm vibe didn't last very long.
My father picked me up on his way home from work and we go grocery shoppping. I decided to sleep over at my father's (where my grandfather lives) to spend some Q-time with my brothers. The fucking second my father walks into the living room to talk to my grandpa, my grandpa goes off on him, well yea. Saing all this shit like Tracey only thinks about her, and not the family and how Tracey is setting a bad example for us kids, me especially. He went on for an hour.
Here's my take on it. I understand my grandfather is old, and set in his ways, and as much as there is something I'd like to do about it to change it, I can't. Its really sad that he can't accept everyone for who they are. As for Tracey setting a bad example, I don't think she is. I will love whoever I want to love. Period. I don't and won't buy into the whole one race, is better then another, I can't. The whole idea makes me sick. We are all the same and that is that.
Oye. So my grandfather interrogates me. Asking me why I didn't tell him that Herb was black. "Its not my place to tell you, its Tracey's, and it doesn't matter if he is Grandpa."
yea, He didn't like it when I said that. But Oh well. Okay, I am off to clean, and prep for my brothers and Patch comin over tonight. Manda is supposed to come over we'll see if that happens.
4 days till PA.
"Without a struggle, there can be no progress."
does this mean that someone might be able to change?