May 23, 2004 09:36

HOla, It is I... yet, again...
1st things 1st-

Frank Is Graduating VERY VERY VERY SOON, and I wish him the best, he only deserves it. He's admirable really, concidering I havent graduated yet, but if i wanted to fool around, I could never accomplish what he has. SO a BIG "CONGRATS" to Frank, I LOVE U!!!


Today will be more eventful, why? cuz I am going to the MIrage... the desert, middle of nowhere... YAY! I can finally get some sun!!! right now I am about the whitest thing in the world.. so thank u =)

Yesterday I had a blast, went to the beach with Travis and his friends Josh and Javi. It was really cool cuz i have never seen so many sea creatures in one spot, Travis is like this big kid whos skipping from rock to rock, hoping to find something cool.
Damn crab got ahold of my finger :( NOT COOL! although... the crab was the size of a penny, therefore leaving it to be a baby =( haha, ME complaining of a small pinch. FUNNY.

I wish I could have shared that moment with some one else, that I really wish could be with me. He was there in thought.
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