Meeting the parents with a daisy chain

Nov 13, 2013 22:05

Title: Meeting the parents with a dandelion chain
Rating: G
Genre: Fluff
Words: 904
Snippet: "Come on!" Joonmyun cries as he drags the reluctant blonde behind him towards his home.

"Come on!" Joonmyun cries as he drags the reluctant blonde behind him towards his home.

Yifan shakes his head from side to side the meaning of the gesture all too clear to Joonmyun. Yi Fan can see Joonmyun's bottom lips quivering and big brown eyes welling up with tears. He instinctively wraps the smaller body in his arms apologizing and furiously trying to calm the younger boy down.

Joonmyun wipes away the tears that threaten to escape with the sleeves of his shirt. "You don't wanna mawwy me amymwore?" Joonmyun asks with his big brown eyes and lip jutted out in pout.

In retrospect Yifan thinks that proposing to a 4-year old who is quite easily excitable with scary parents no matter how nice they look, isn't that great of an idea. Even though Uncle Siwon seems nice enough, he's big and when he frowns his eyebrows are downright scary. Let’s not even get started on Joonmyunnie’s Kyu appa, though he seems soft he almost always has a frown on his face especially when Yifan was around the little boy thought.

Yi Fan looks away from the pouting figures front of him, nibbling his lip in apprehension. "Your appa and Kyuappa are.... Scary" Yi fan says with the lack of a better word softly and slightly deflated after he'd let his fear known.

He was a big boy! He should have been ashamed for being afraid after all, how was he supposed to protect Joonmyun if he was afraid of the Joonmyunnie’s parents?

He looked back at the younger expecting to receive laughter at his silly fear instead he sees that Joonmyun is no longer pouting but smiling at him, brightly.

"Don't be siwwy, Appa and Kyu appa wike you!" Joonmyun saysand then his small hand holding Yi fans slightly bigger hand tightly. Yi Fan has to admit that he likes Joonmyun’s hand in his, but he always has. Maybe today was just slightly special.

Yi fan frowns and Joonmyun knows that the older boy doesn't believe him. Joonmyun then decides that he has to prove the older blonde wrong.

Joonmyun pulls and drags the blonde to his house (they live next door to each other). Yi fan doesn't resist nor does he walk there voluntarily while Joonmyun is furiously tugging the slightly older boy. As Joonmyun complains that Yii Fan heavy and fat, Yifan thinks that Joonmyuns hair is pretty under the sunlight.

"APPA!" Joonmyun yells the minute he's at his door. He slams it open with a loud bang, scaring the already frightened 5-year-old. He'd also taken the liberty to lace his fingers with the petrified blonde as he waited for both his Appas to appear in hopes of easing his soon-to-be-husbands nerves.

Yifan can’t help but think of what a wonderful bride he’ll be marrying in the near future.

Both adults look at both the young children, one smiling like no tomorrow and the other looking quite terrified with his teeth clenched while standing as straight as a board.

"Yes, baby?" Siwon asks as he kneels down in front of both kids, with Kyuhyun standing behind his husband, in his hand a spatula and an apron around his waist. Though he was terrified Yi fan couldn't help but wonder how Joonmyun would look like dressed similarly as his Kyu Appa. He's knocked out of his musings when he sees Siwon appas shocked face.

He then reliases belatedly that Joonmyun has shown his "ring" to his both his appas.

The ring he had made from daisies earlier that morning when he had spontaneously proposed to the younger boy.

Yifan scrunches his yes close and gets ready for the yelling slash scolding and also the beating from that, now that he thinks about it, scary spatula but when he gets none. He peeks open one eye and hesitantly looks at Joonmyun awaiting some sort of conformation, though he isn't sure what for.

He turns to look at both adults, who are now standing side by side glaring at him, we'll Kyuhyun appa was glaring and Siwon appa looked somewhat amused or even happy.

"Joonmyunnie?" Yifan says softly with a hint of uncertainty in his voice. Tears threatening to leak out from the sudden burst of mixed emotions. Yi Fan hastily wipes away the tears that didn’t escape with his hands, one still being held by Joonmyun.

God Damnit! Big Boys didn’t cry.

"See I towd you!" Joonmyun cheers happily as he pulls Yifan down for a kiss on the cheek and then pulling the slightly taller boy out the door and into the garden where they would continue to spend the rest of the morning.

Kyuhyun looks out the window and watches the two children playing happily, making daisy chains and putting them on each other.

"They remind you of us don't they?" Siwon says softly as he wraps his arms around his spouse’s middle and nuzzling into his neck.

Kyuhyun lets out a grunt.

"And you owe me sexy time" Siwon says cheekily as he starts trailing kisses up Kyuhyun’s neck. "I did tell you that Yi Fannie would propose to Joonmyun before they'd both turned 6"

Kyuhyun turned around and glared at his husband. "I remember" Kyuhyun said sulkily.

“And now, Joonmyunnie will come in tonight demanding a wedding dress” Kyuhyun snaps.

All Siwon does is let out a laugh before hauling his spouse up the stairs and into their bedroom.

fandom: exo, rating: g, pairing: kris/suho, series: kid! au, genre: fluff

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