Title: Kitty cat's whiskers and wrinkles
Rating: G
Pairing(s)/Focus: Kris/Suho
Length: 685 words
Summary: Rookie actor Kris Wu gets a chance to work with famous and supposedly terrifying acting coach Kim Junmyeon - but he's surprised when said terrifying coach resembles a cute kitten more than the threatening tiger he had expected.
Notes: Tifa, I feel so bad that this is so short compared to the others and I will and I shall make the other 2 prompts come true in the near [hopefully very] near future.
When Kris’ manager had first told him that he’d be working with the infamous acting coach named Kim Joonmyun, Kris had almost wet his pants. He had heard the numerous stories about him, the many terrifying and horrid tales about said acting coach.
He had imagined his acting coach to be some sort of tall old heavy set man with broad shoulders, wrinkles marring his skin and thick bushy eyebrows. Kris had also expected the man to have a voice and determination of a drill sergeant. He couldn’t have been more wrong.
Here he stood in front of man whose eyes just reached his chin, not a wrinkle in sight, skin so clear it could rival snow white and he was small, scratch that, tiny and young. How the hell was this the Kim Joonmyun that had made Jung Yunho and Choi Siwon cry. Kris was baffled.
Kris stared down at the other man, who was smiling dreamily at him. “I’m Kris, rookie actor of SM entertainment” He said with a stiff bow when his senses had finally returned to him.
Joonmyun sent him an even brighter smile than before, introducing himself in the process. “Kim Joonmyun, acting coach and I’ll be helping you polish off your acting for your upcoming drama” He answered breezily
Kris had expected to be given direct orders on how to act and talk and walk, the same like the other coaches he had been to, Joonmyun was the total opposite he was relaxed and calm, he didn’t even raise his voice.
Kris’ debuting drama was about a man trying to woo back his wife that had grown apart with he got the role of the playboy philanthropist [just like ironman/ tony stark] side kick.He was the supporting actor that needed to be able to evoke sexy and charm the pants off anyone with a crooked smile.
The director had told him that he had everything except chemistry, Kris wasn’t able to connect with the other actresses and actors but the casting director and casting had liked him and referred him to Joonmyun to brush up and fine tune his acting skills.
“You’re stiff and this won’t work” Joonmyun muttered as they were about to start. How the hell was he suppose to relax when he had on had such an attractive acting coach, hovering over you whilst staring into your eyes and trying to get a reaction.
“I need you to relax and then only can we start” Joonmyun murmured as ran his hands across Kris’ shoulders, gripping them tightly before starting to knead them. Kris let out a moan of appreciation before leaning backward and taking in a few breaths as per Joonmyun’s instructions.
He listened to Joonmyun’s instructions, following everything down to a T. He felt himself relaxing and understanding his facial and bodily reactions better than he did before, allowing himself to act like he never had before. He liked Joonmyun and wouldn’t lie, he did have a teeny tiny crush on his acting coach. No, he had a huge crush on the smaller man. He liked how he and Joonmyun connected, he liked Joonmyun’s fair skin and flawless face and most of all he loved Joonmyun smile.
So, when class ended Kris had no qualms about asking said coach out except he was a teeny tiny bit worried that Joonmyun would turn him down as Joonmyun was his acting coach and wanted to stay professional.
Instead Joonmyun had walked up to him with a charming smile, wound his arms around Kris’ neck tip-toeing and giving the taller man a peck on the nose. “You know my number, call me when you’re free” Joonmyun said with a smile and wink before ushering the smiling man out the door.