An assortment of things

Oct 13, 2009 20:39

Hello, everyone! Time again for another Rachelmas life synopsis!

First of all, even though it was a few weeks ago now, AWA was super awesome. I ended up not wearing any cosplay on Thursday, moving Pierrot to Sunday, and dropping Kozue from my line-up, but whatevs. It worked well that way. If you wanna see pics, they're over here (in the sub albums too). So it was good. I got chill with Seth and Melissa a whole bunch, and got to see Kimmy and Jumi and Bur and Ren, and randomly got to meet Rob for the first time! ♥

Most exciting person I got to talk to though, no offense to my lovelies, was a photographer named Ejen Chuang. He's making a book of American cosplayers, and traveled around the US for a few months, hitting up big conventions and taking pictures for this project! Here's his website, where he posts some of his pictures, interviews with cosplayers, project updates, etc. So yeah, I ended up getting into some big, long conversations with the guy. His project relates very closely to the research that I was paid to do starting this summer, the comparison of Japanese and American cosplay subcultures. In the end, we decided to help each other out. I'm going to write an essay, which is basically an overview of my research, for him to include in his book, and he's going to include a link to my English cosplay survey in his next bulk email, since he had to get some of the contact information of all of the people he got pictures of. This means I'll have hundreds of cosplayers from around the nation taking my survey for epic statistical win, and I'll have a published paper on the topic of cosplay to add to my resume of awesome!

In other news, I did in fact manage to create the FU Anime Club! (In my head I call it "Fuck" because the acronym is like Japanese ファック) We've had 2 meetings so far, each with a decent turnout of 10-15 people. We're working on drawing up a budget request now, trying to allocate funds so that we can take a school-funded road trip to Momocon next spring, and also see about getting an anime dubbing director to come and visit and possibly put together some sort of "voice your own cartoon" event. Big plans for a first-year club. I'm excited.

School has been eating into my time as usual. Yesterday I had my first "holed up in the art building until past midnight" night since I got back, and it was not exciting. >_x Honestly, I really prefer not to dwell on the fact that I have classes, so I'm gonna just skim over that shit and talk about the cosplays I'm working on for Halloween weekend and Y-Con!

My gay clubbing Oshitari Kenya Tenimyu pants are done!

I've also made decent progress on my Grell/Madame Red jacket

I know it looks like shit, but all that needs to be done is cut and sew the collar, slip the lining inside the jacket, put black trim on all the edges, and add the sleeve buttons and the bow! Then it will be amazing!

After those two things, all I'll have left to make for Y-Con is my lime green frilly gay clubbing shirt. And I have about 2 weeks, including fall break, to get that done! Totally doable. Woo.

Tomorrow is drag day. I'm gonna dress manry.

rl, tenimyu, cosplay, kuroshitsuji, fu, school, con report, pictues

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