Persacon 07

Jun 19, 2007 12:47

Dear, sweet Persacon. I heart you so. Sure, the convention chair is a dumb bitch, you could never do anything on time, your website lacked information and proper use of English, your guests were few, the air conditioning in the building sucked, you didn't have an anime viewing room, and we got kicked out at 12 every night, but I still heart you.

Persacon is a small local convention and also the first convention I ever attended. This was its 5th year, and we were excited to finally be moving into a bigger space. Unfortunately, it was on a college campus and had to shut down at midnight every night. Conventions should be 24 hour events. Srsly. Even when there's not anything scheduled, it's great to sit around and have long winded conversations with other geeks and nerds, but this is heavily discouraged by being kicked outside into the hot and humid Alabama air. Plus, there was no 24 hour anime viewing rooms. The panel room was converted into the singular anime viewing room at 6 pm each day. So only 6 hours on anime scheduled. No. That sucks. Give us our crowded hotel back.

At least Persacon is more about the people rather than the event anyway. It's small enough that you can really hang out with the guests rather than look up their noses as they talk to an assembly from their spot on a stage. Sadly, my favorite guest, Patrick Seitz (voice actor, director, and the first person I ever played Guitar Hero with) had major flight delays and didn't get in until past noon Saturday, so there was less hanging out with him.


On Friday yinsteve, kefanii, and I cosplayed as Father, Gluttony, and Lust respectively. Doesn't Father look like evil Buddy Christ? :D Btw, I painted the eye on his forehead. *is proud* Most of Friday was spent sitting around, sighing at the wonders of Persacon, and posing for pictures. We tried to go to one of Patrick's panels, but like I said before, he had plane trouble and wasn't there to entertain us. The dealers room wasn't bad. It was an improvement over last year, at least. Still, all I bought was some Meiji chocolate (because that's what all the Japanese Mello cosplayers have, though I prefer to use Cadburry dark chocolate bars), some Men's Pocky, and an Urahara button to add to my bag. However, Jake bought disks 3-5 of Gankutsuo with some chipping in from Kef and me. THIS SERIES IS AMAZING! WATCH IT! IT'S TRIPPY! YOU WILL NOT WANT TO STOP ONCE YOU START! ALBERT IS SUCH A PANSY! OMFGFRANZ!

Kef left early on Friday to go clean house, but I stayed with some of the boys to play in the Guitar Hero tournament, even though I knew I had no chance whatsoever of winning. It was made harder by the fact that the guitar kept slipping off of my Lust dress. XD; I got knocked out in the first round by Max, a friend of mine, but Jake got 3rd place overall and won a bit of money so congrats to him! Later we met came across Spencer, the guy we stayed with an MTAC, and he was still awesome. He says that he's working on a Count of Monte Cristo (Gankutsuo) cosplay for Dragoncon. If anyone can pull it off, he can. XDDD

Day the second was Death Note (Sorry the pic's so dark. The person taking it couldn't figure out the flash.) I was a Mello, Kef's a Matt, Jake's a Near, and we had Max join us as L, and kittorz as Mikami. We also kinda had a Light, but not really XD;;. It was just Near and I for a lot of the morning. Again, we were hoping for a Patrick panel, but again, he wasn't there yet. We talked with a Jury cosplyer for a while and told of our plans to be Mikki and Kozue for AWA. Eventually, Near and L slouched off to do some larping and I sat around with some fangirls and basically told them about how awesome I am and let them try to spin my gun. Matt and Mikami were late because they had to dye The Hair and make The Sign. I gave Matt a huge hug when she came in, mostly for the fangirls. We watched a bit of the DDR tournament that afternoon, mostly because the game room was the most air conditioned room in the entire building! It should not work like that! Then we went off to see the AMVs. Near had entered one focusing on the FMA military to the song Hands (cheers to AMVs with relevance!). Matt and I didn't stay long after they showed his. IT WAS THE DRAMA CATEGORY AND IT SUCKED MAJORLY! Just because you like a series and you like a certain angsty song and think it's deep, doesn't mean you should slap them together and share it with the world! -_- I have some fun sketches of frustration from that little hour that I'll get around to scanning eventually. Mikami and I were trying to kill half of the AMV creators with our death notes.

After that near disaster we went to eat at this Greek place nearby. It was tasty and put us in far better moods, though I kept getting weird looks for my scar. Can't imagine why ^__\^. And then Matt tried to drag me into a sex shop That pic took way too much running around and looking for batteries to get. The only other big noteworthy things we did that day were watch DN episodes 25 and 35 in the middle of artist alley (thus spoil DN for a lot of people. We tried to make them go away. XD;;), I did the Haruhi dance, and I got a majority of the special guests to sign my Death Note (I use mine as an autograph book) XD. Steve Bennet drew a dead catgirl in there and also managed to kill Jackie Chan. ♥ I love that guy; he gave me a "death after having sex," so sweet of him. I also have William Turner, Chris Hazelton, Bilbo Baggins, Patrick Seitz, a Gluttony cosplayer, some of the security guys, the cool guy with the top hat and the EGL panel, and many others written in there now. XD I never could convince the guest Stephanie Chateau to sign it though; she's too paranoid. I actually know her from devart and used to talk to her a lot, but despite that and telling her that she could misspell her name or use one of her character's names to avoid death, I could not convince her to autograph my Death Note. Though guess it makes for a better story this way. XD

Sunday was all for the Other!s (AU characters. If you don't know, it's better to not ask). Here is me. Here is Kef (she's going to hate me for posting all of those. >XD;). Only thing going on Sunday was closing ceremonies, really. Jake didn't get the the prize for his AMV (though only got a certificate, from what I saw. suckage), but he was in the largest category, so he had a lot of competition. I'm still proud of him. We didn't ever see the cosplay contest, but all of the awards were going to the same few people, so it's can't have been all that impressive. -_- Once the ceremonies turned into "lets show macros" we left. Oh! But I did get some free art that day! The artist's phone number was written in the corner, heh. XD Aaaaaand that's all! Yeah, I know that was really long... XD;;;

Other pics of interest: CAPTAIN PLANET, warrior Rikku, Sailor Moon, Chibi Moon, ZANT, my toes.

rl, pictures, con report, cosplay

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