ahhh...i dont want to study

Dec 08, 2003 19:44

well yesterday i told myself that i would be studying this whole week since i have two finals this week but here i am writing in my journal...its sooo hard to study...i really dont know what to study and all...i start and i dont know where to go...so i dont know what to do...i went to a review session for math today and i kinda knew the stuff and i kinda didnt know the stuff...my gsi told me that he gave our review sheet to professor pugh...in case he might want to use some of his problems...that may sound like a good thing but i didnt understand some of the stuff that was on the sheet so i have to try and understand it...then when i came back from my review session i decided that i should maybe start on my southeast asian stuff...i started reading the stuff and then i started to get tired and sleepy but i got through reading my notes...i just gotta read some of the stuff in the reader and hope that is good enough...its really hard to know what to focus on because there are only going to be two essay questions that really determine your grade...and in math man there is just so many things to study that it is so overwhelming...ahhh...i hate it...i just dont know how to tell if i understand the material or not...and then theres the registration for spring i hope i get all my classes because i dont know what else to take because everything is basically full...ayyy i should be studying...everyone on my buddy list is away its funny...when i look at my buddy list i see notepads that line up in a row...so i basically know that everyone is studying for their finals since some have already started...only if i knew what to study...oh yea i met this one guy from my temple...his name is mike...i never really knew him but i saw him around the temple a lot...but yea he told me that he's going to have junior standing next semester...ahhh...that just makes me sad...it makes me regret not taking ap's that seriously...if i did i might have a higher standing than just freshman...but oh well i cant do anything about it now...oh yea one other...im pretty much broke...whoopi...so i gotta work for sure when i go down to pay all the bills that i have...what a wonderful way to spend my vacation...but i am looking foward to going down to la...can't wait just four more days =)
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