(no subject)

Dec 25, 2005 02:30

FWD from Matt V:
OK so James McCarthy has asked me to do this:

Everyone is invited to an un-unofficial St.Matt's reunion / gathering. Apparently he would like to see everyone (and anyone) from high school. So this is the official shout out to anyone and everyone who is from or ever stepped foot into St.Matt's or wants to come can show up on Thursday the 29th at the Broadway's near the Independent Grocer in Orleans. If you happen to be in another country or province then come on down for a very fun filled night. Hell if you don't show up we'll still have fun but just in case show up! Usually I would just say show up but I know you people and you need times or else you will bail at the last minute so I'm saying 8:00pm on because the night will never end! Anyways yes he wants everyone to show so show up cuz um he wants to see you! I might be there as well, lol So Show UP!

If you hate paragraphs:

Time: 8:00pm Thursday December 29th 2005
Place: Broadway Bar and Grill
Purpose: Partying
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