Oct 22, 2010 19:27
ummmm why is mexico so amazing?
i'm having so much fun.
i'm sore today from too much fun though. i feel like i should go out tonight but i physically can't. so tomorrow night i think! i like how i don't think about going out until around 9:30, and leave around 11.
last night i got home around 6am. i'm getting good at bartering with the taxi drivers! kinda.
i miss caitlin and sandrita.
oh and i applied to quito today!
it's basically a guaranteed yes, so i didn't try too hard on the application. so if i get a no, that means i'm working in riverside for january through september. it i get a yes, thats 3 months less of both riverside and seattle. RAD.
but i have no idea what i could expect from ecuador.