So... when...

Feb 15, 2006 19:31

So when did live journal become sooo lame...and myspace was where it's at?! Heh, who know's and who really cares all that much?! Gosh!!! Me Of Course... but yeah anywho whats been up lately... I dunno nothing that much.. Valentine's DaY was yesterday and well frankly it was alright... well it was good.. until 6pm.. when I had to go to work.. that was horrible... I hated it.. For every person that walked in, I made a story for them... it was always sad and pathetic, (only because when you are in the mall on Valentine's Day you are either really late in picking up a gift, and doing some last minute shopping... or heart breaking-ly... um you have no life... haha...). Oh well.. I dunno... it was entertaining for awhile until I became totally O.C.D. on how my shirts were folded.. haha.. I dunno where it came from but all of a sudden I was all like.."oh my gosh this table has to look bitchin.. otherwise my whole life as we know it won't feel right". Have you ever had that? Where you have to do something either perfectly or evenly or you feel awkward?... No? Maybe it's just me? Oh well.... anywho back to the part about the people who walked in the store... when someone walked in the store I would make a story for them... it was magical I swear... hah... kidding. It was nothing like that at all.. um.. I actually made this one story where this one women was soo mad at her husband because he didn't get her anything for Valentine's Day, that she took either daughter out shopping, as an attempt to say "hey... um... like me more.. cause I am buying you things and hate you father because he is an ass". woot.. and then when this lady got home she wond up having dinner with her husband because he didn't really forget he just was slaving over a hot stove with the intention of surprising her.. and well he did... and that is totally awesome and amazing... and your most likely thinking the same exact thing that I am... I have no life. Thankfully I am actually going to be quiting.. my last day is on the 24th... someone should back me a cake. Woot woot. Kidding you don't have to if ya dun wanna. But yeah anywho and then today I had band right... okay so band... it's kinda good.. I dun mind it that much anymore.. cause it is concert rather that marching... but the only thing wrong with the whole concert thing is that it is extremely boring... like overly boring... and marching is way too much fun.. there has to be a middle... I swear... oh well. But yeah anywho today I came in for band.. and Andrew tells me that steven was playing my instrument... how rude!!!!!!!!!! Okay I never minded him before.. but I hate him now... it is one thing to get another base clarinet cause there are 2 others... or another reed/ mouth piece.. but no he played with my mouth piece and reed... that is totally gross.. um I dun touch his things.. thanks he shouldn't be touching mind... I wouldn't be touching his things for a reason but yeah... ewwwwww... that made my day horrible..oh well.. but yeah it got better cause now I am home, writing this... woot woot.. oh well.. But yeah imma go now cause its dinner time...yay... food!!!

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