Contents: Four Bleach fanarts - three sketches (with links to colored versions) and one colored one :)
Pairings: Ishida/Orihime, Chad/Ishida/Orihime
Rating: NC-17 for oral, various stages of nudity up to full-frontal. It's not totally porny (the full-frontal stuff is actually humor), but it is there. XD
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters or
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These are such a treat to see, especially on Orihime's birthday. Her appearance in ch 461 was honestly painful this week -- drawn looking bruised & baggy eyed with her nose running, then getting her brain even more twisted by Tsukishima, and then used as a boob gag for Urahara & Isshin... SIGH. These pics remind me of the times in the manga that she used to smile for real, and OMG the penis puppets, she would SO DO THAT! XD (I actually kind of want to see a Part 2 of that which shows the guys from the waist up, looking down at her, just so we can see their expressions. Chad probably thinks it's plushie cute & has big hearts in his eyes and Uryuu's probably pinching the bridge of his nose with a pained expression. God they're so cute! XD
My favorite is the "Chad's PJs" pic. Stereotypically, the guys wear the bottoms and the girls wear the tops, so this totally reminds me of that scene in SS where she started to undress in front of him and then made him his own little dressing room so he'd be comfy. Orihime looks gorgeous there and Ishida in that oversized top is the cutest thing ever. I know exactly why Chad isn't in that pic: because he's passed out on the floor from the Cute Overload. XD
*saves to memories* :D
It's strange, I don't feel weird at all posting written porn here :) But when it's drawn stuff, I feel like I'm crossing some line here XD I think it's because LJ is not *just* an adult site - this entry could be on someone's f-list page in between a recipe for cookies, and a post about somebody's kids XD Why that's weird to me, I don't know, but I'll get over it, I'm sure ^^
Oh man, that chapter was painful (where is Uryuu even? -_-) and it's sad that I was glad when Orihime and Chad got knocked out XD;;
A ha ha, Chad would be so charmed sometimes by Orihime's puppet shows! And oh man, I love love love that little part :)
Cause she likes to be chivalrous with her Ishida kun, I can see her topping him xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
(put "orihime's man voice into the equation" 8D--- and that certain sexual object to make him the uke of the relationship >D)
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