Six Months: April: Happy

Jul 31, 2011 03:10

Title: April: Happy
Pairing: Sado/Ishida
Warnings: Fluff, Handjob
Summary: This is a series of short-ish fics set after the events of The Suit.

This one is for mayanara :)



Before Chad even unshouldered his burden and closed the door behind him, he knew Uryuu was on the verge of a freakout. As he carefully stacked the boxes and bags on the floor, he watched Uryuu, taking in the sweaty, ruffled hair, the rumpled brow, the open boxes, the uneven stacks of books around the small recessed alcove that was going to be their shared office. Four bookshelves were crammed into the corner, elbow to elbow with two desks.

None of them were at right angles to another. Chad's eyebrows rose, and he approached cautiously, eyeing in passing a handful of papers on the island counter. The pages looked to be covered in hand-drawn diagrams, most of them crossed out, one of the crosses so desperate it had torn a hole in the paper.

Uryuu's head whipped around to face him.

"The bookshelves don't fit," Uryuu said. His voice was calm, but his eyes flitted about their brand-new one-room apartment. "All four of them have to go in the corner with the desks. We can't get rid of any of them. But they don't fit. I can't..."

Uryuu turned abruptly to stalk toward the countertop. He glared down at the drawings. "It should be easy. Look. On paper, everything goes where it's supposed to go. It fits perfectly." He scrubbed a hand through his hair, leaving a smear of dust on his temple. "But... " He frowned at the row of bookshelves.

Chad gently gripped his elbow, and Uryuu jumped. "I brought home a fan," Chad said. "And the new pillows you wanted."

Uryuu's lower eyelid twitched, and his arm stiffened under Chad's hand. He opened his mouth to speak.

Chad ignored that and went on. "I know you want to get the office set up. But you should take a break."

Uryuu frowned outright, his shoulders drawing up toward his ears.

Chad considered his options and quickly chose one before Uryuu could begin arguing. "You'll think more clearly with some distance," Chad said, his hands going to the hem of Uryuu's t-shirt. It was an old thing, thin cotton soft with years of wear, and Chad had it pulled up to Uryuu's sternum before Uryuu caught his hands to stop him.

"I have to finish this," Uryuu said, squeezing down on Chad's hands with barely hidden impatience.

Chad took a deep breath; he'd chosen the wrong option. "Later," he said, and he let the hem of the shirt fall away. He caught Uryuu's hands in his. "We haven't had much time to ourselves, lately."

Uryuu closed his mouth abruptly, frowned, then squeezed Chad's hands again, gently this time. He nodded. "So... what do you want to do?"

Chad considered. He glanced around the tiny apartment, the little furniture they had covered in boxes or otherwise inaccessible. There was a small clearing in the center of the room, however.

"Will you lay out a blanket?" Chad asked.

Uryuu's eyes flicked to the open spot of carpet, back to Chad. "I don't think we have time for... " His words drifted off, as if in the process of speaking them he'd already reconsidered.

"Whenever you want to go back to work, we can," Chad said, and Uryuu's shoulders finally relaxed. Chad smiled.

He left Uryuu to the task of spreading blankets on the floor and took off for the bathroom, quickly opening the box Uryuu had labeled, 'Toiletries - Fragile.' Inside the box were a number of ziploc gallon baggies, and Chad quickly found the one he sought. He slid it out and set it in the sink to sift through the little bottles and tubes inside.

Finally, he found the bottle of massage oil. He closed the baggie and grabbed a hand towel before heading back to the living room.

Uryuu had the bedding spread out, the edges of the blankets crowding right up next to the surrounding stacks of boxes. He sat tailor-style, drumming his fingers on his knee. Chad watched him for a few seconds. Barefoot, in his old t-shirt and worn jeans, Uryuu didn't look like the forty-year-old trapped in a teenager's body he often resembled, with his ties and slacks and hand-tailored shirts; sitting there on the floor, he looked exactly what he was: an eighteen-year-old college boy. A very attractive one, at that.

Uryuu craned his neck to look at him. "What?" he asked.

Chad shook his head, dropping to one knee. "Get undressed," he said. "I want to rub your back."

After a level look, Uryuu stood and slipped his shirt over his head. Kneeling there, Chad felt an unexpected, skin-tingling rush of excitement. Between packing, making arrangements, saying goodbye to friends, and moving, it had been some ten days since they'd been able to do more than fall asleep the instant their heads hit their pillows... but they were alone finally, and as Chad watched Uryuu slide his jeans over his hips, that shivery excitement swelled inside him.

A brief hesitation, then Uryuu shucked his briefs as well, and judging from the way his penis hung, heavy and thickening between his legs, it was obvious that he was feeling something similiar.

At Chad's murmured instructions, Uryuu stretched out on his stomach, his arms folded neatly beneath a pillow under his head. His back was long and pale, his shoulderblades pressing up against his fine skin in elegant curves of bone. Smiling, Chad settled over him, balanced on his knees over Uryuu's upper thighs.

The oil had a light, sweet scent, and it felt silky when he rubbed it between his palms. His hands looked huge and dark against Uryuu's skin when he placed them carefully on Uryuu's back.

"Tell me if anything hurts," Chad said, and Uryuu grunted in agreement, his eyes already slipping shut.

Chad began carefully, simply stroking Uryuu's skin, slow and easy. Once he felt Uryuu begin to relax he dug in harder, working out the knots of Uryuu's shoulders while Uryuu grunted, the sound muffled against the pillow. His thumbs skimmed down along Uryuu's spine, slowed at his hips, and he applied gentle, steady pressure to the muscles of Uryuu's lower back.

Uryuu's grunts had softened, and the sound he made when Chad cupped his buttocks and pressed up, squeezing, was more akin to a moan. Chad smiled and did it again slowly.

In the low light of the apartment, Uryuu's back was lightly sheened with the massage oil Chad had rubbed in, and the blood had rushed to the surface of his skin in rosy tracks wherever Chad's hands had touched Uryuu. He stroked from Uryuu's shoulders to his hips again, and he watched his long, brown fingers make trails through the thin sheen of oil on Uryuu's skin.

Breathing steadily, Chad leaned forward. "Sit on your knees," he suggested, then pulled back to let Uryuu do just that. Once Uryuu was settled facing away from him, kneeling on the blanket, Chad poured another dollop of oil into his palm.

His hands seemed to swallow Uryuu's shoulders, and Uryuu rolled his head on his neck and groaned quietly when Chad kneaded the warming, relaxing muscle there. Then Chad's slick hands slipped down over the muscle caps of Uryuu's shoulders to massage his biceps, then all the way down his forearms, his thumb and fingers encirling and meeting when they reached Uryuu's wrists. On the way back up, he caressed the sensitive skin of Uryuu's inner elbows.

It was definitely a moan this time. Chad had to force himself to breathe normally as he dragged his fingers back up to Uryuu's shoulders. With his forehead resting against the back of Uryuu's head and his cock a heavy, hot weight in his pants, he cupped Uryuu's sleek chest muscles in his palms, then slipped his fingers down to trip over hard stomach muscles.

Chad swallowed and inched closer, smelling the sweet oil on Uryuu's warm skin. He let his hands drift lower until they perched on Uryuu's hipbones, and he could feel a new tension in Uryuu's body now, one borne not of stress, but of anticipation; Uryuu's body seemed to hum under his hands, the blood rushing hot and fast under his flushed skin.

Taking a deep breath, Chad swept his hands down the taut muscle of Uryuu's spread thighs, and as he leaned forward to peer over Uryuu's shoulder, his heavy erection nudged against Uryuu's bare ass. Chad's indrawn breath ghosted over his vocal chords on the way out, giving voice to a soft moan as he slid his hands up Uryuu's inner thighs, his eyes drawn to Uryuu's cock. It stood out between Uryuu's taut thighs, hard and bobbing, the head a deep rose color.

In a practiced feat of dexterity, Uryuu abruptly reached behind himself, between their bodies, and unfastened Chad's belt and the fly of his jeans. Chad swayed and quickly tugged his shirt off as he let Uryuu push his pants and underwear down past his hips, then he placed a hand on Uryuu's stomach and eased him back until Chad's erection pressed against his ass. The cleft of his ass was smooth, a little bit slippery with oil, and they groaned softly at the glide of skin on skin.

Chad's hands returned to Uryuu's thighs, and he retraced the subtle lines of flush his fingers had left the moment before. Uryuu's inner thighs were tense, and the muscles twitched under Chad's fingers as he traced along the tendons that led up to the center of his body.

When his hand closed around Uryuu's cock, he could feel Uryuu trembling, could feel him holding in a moan. His other hand cupping Uryuu's balls, he gave his cock long, slow twisting strokes, from the base to the tip.

"Yasutora," Uryuu whispered, so softly Chad could barely hear it. He trembled against Chad. "I think this is not... the best way for the neighbors... " Uryuu had to stop to bite his lip, breathing hard through his nose. He pressed his ass against Chad's cock, an impatient, demanding gesture that contrasted with his hesitant words. "To get to know us," he finally finished.

"We'll be quiet this time," Chad whispered, nose brushing against the shell of Uryuu's ear. Hands working, he pressed his lips against the side of Uryuu's neck, pressed his body against Uryuu's back, his bare erection sliding against the cleft between Uryuu's slick ass-cheeks.

"Ha--" Uryuu breathed out, short and sharp and quiet, and Chad gripped one narrow hip and held Uryuu flush against him as he stroked Uryuu's cock. The massage oil made everything--his hand on Uryuu's straining cock, Uryuu's back against his chest, Uryuu's ass against his erection--warm and slippery and novel and lush, and Chad couldn't help but to thrust lazily against Uryuu as he stroked him off.

Gripping Chad's left forearm hard enough to bruise, Uryuu came with a strangled grunt, his cheeks stained pink and his teeth digging into his lower lip. He went immediately limp in Chad's arms, continuing to rub his bottom almost absent-mindedly against Chad.

Smiling, Chad gripped Uryuu's hip to hold him still. He reached beside himself to quickly wipe his hand on the towel he'd brought along, then wrapped his other arm around him and shifted so that his cock no longer pressed against Uryuu's body. He was hard, yes; horny, yes... but this time wasn't about him. That could wait for later.

"Mmm," Uryuu murmured tiredly, dropping his head back against Chad's shoulder. Chad kissed the corner of his mouth and held him, feeling Uryuu's racing heart slow as his body cooled.

Then Uryuu jerked his head upright. Chad had to flinch away to keep from having his nose broken.

"On top of each other," Uryuu said.

Chad smiled, seeing it immediately.

"If we just stack the shelves, they'll fit. I don't know why I didn't see it earlier." His lazy tone suggested that he wasn't going to beat himself up over this one, so Chad let it pass silently, and Uryuu relaxed against him once more.

Uryuu grasped his arm, hugging it against him, and Chad kissed the point of his shoulder. They leaned against one another, eyes closed, listening to the unfamiliar traffic noises, swaying subtly to the feel of their blood slowing in their veins.

With a sigh, Uryuu said, "I've lived on my own for quite some time."

Chad nodded, watching Uryuu's clean profile, blurred for being so close.

"You have too."

Another nod.

Uryuu sighed again and arched his back, pressing his spine against Chad's stomach. "I know I've been a bit... tense, during all of this. I'm sorry if I've been difficult."

"You haven't," Chad said, and he kissed Uryuu's jaw.


Uryuu lay his arm over Chad's, wrapped around him, and twined their fingers together. His sweaty hair tickled Chad's nose as he looked around at the stacks of boxes, the desks and shelves and the couch, and the blank walls that they'd soon make their own--a poster from Chad's old apartment, one from Uryuu's, one that Orihime gave them. Photographs of friends and family would go on a small table brought for that sole purpose, no matter that they didn't really have the space for it. Their shoes sat side by side at the door, and they would from now on.

Smiling softly, Uryuu then turned his neck so that his forehead bumped Chad's cheek, hugging the arm around him. "We really are going to be happy, aren't we?"

"We are," Chad promised.


A/N: The ending is highly inspired by this anime ED; check it out at about 1:12 :D I know it's not like PROOF OF SADOISHI or anything, but watching that part kind of makes me swoon, and it's one of the things I ran across when I was starting to lightly ship SadoIshi, that helped tip me over the edge. I DO MEAN OVER THE EDGE, lol. Here are screencaps if you don't feel like youtubing:

It's not going to be perfect,

but I swear I'll make you happy.

So this is the final one of these little fics :) I've really enjoyed writing them - thanks to everyone who gave me a prompt, and everyone who's read and enjoyed these :)

the suit, fanfic, sado, ishida, smut, six months, fluff, bleach

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