Dec 18, 2009 04:45
I'm actually going to make a New Years Resolution this year! ^___^
I'd like to try to draw something every day - even if I'm not feeling particularly inspired, and even if it's just drawn on the back of an envelope or something XD To help keep myself motivated, I think it would be a good idea to set up an art blog, or sketch journal, or whatever you want to call it, so that I can post my things, and feel happy :)
I don't want to do it through livejournal, I don't think - I don't want to spam my lj friends every day with silly doodles, lol (I actually get embarrassed when I post a lot - does anybody else get that? What is that? XD I'm actually kind of embarrassed right now, but my ten-days-of-bedrest-and-counting-boredom outweighs it, so.) And if I set up a new account, I don't remember if non-paid members have access to the Scrapbook - and I know photobucket will delete a lot of things I might want to post.
Do any of you have an art blog? If so - what site do you use? Is it adult-content-friendly? Is it pretty easy to get the hang of posting?
Even if you don't have one yourself, and have just heard of a good one, let me know, and I can look it up :)
Also - what is up with livejournal today? I made two posts, and in each one, lj totally ate my line breaks, and i had to type them in in the html editor. And THEN, because I didn't take the warning ^^;;; I decided to edit my fanfic index entry. Yeah. That thing's all screwed up now >_< Is anybody else having problems with that? edit: Baaah ha ha, it happened to this one too! :o