May 30, 2007 19:39
k so this is the story of my prom im gonna throw down right here for generations to read and be like yo this guy should have been prom king. [im cool(not)]
so i think my outfit was pretty bomb. i wore a black suit with white pinstripes and a light purple shirt and a black and dark purple striped tie that i really like and ps. allen shore on boston legal lastnight wore the same tie so we have the same taste in ties and hes funny. i wore my hair down.
we (aka me nick and adam) did pictures on my lawn and our moms were all there. jim was there too cause he was passin by but he went home for dinner instead of to prom for dinner
adam wore a badass kilt and bruce wore a badasser kilt cause the shirt was like highlander style and what else. everybody looked fuckin sharp or fuckin smokin.
the dinner was alright. the potatoes were the best part. not enough chicken. dammit i need moreFUCK
k sidestory time.
i said fuck cause while i was talking abut food i realized i left a fuckin sausage on the bbq. im soooo mad. i was reeeeally looking forward to that. but then i started lj'n it and i got distracted. damn you livejournal! DAMN YOU ADDDDDDDDDDDDD! so now i had to make hotdogs instead. hotdogs are good. but they arent sausages.
k back to prom. chicken was the next word i was gonna type. k so i sat next to nick and jamie. cool dudes.
the slide show was pretty shmantastic. i was in like 9 pictures which is a lot. it was 20 minutes long and people had to pretty much sit on the floor to watch it but me and daneille snagged a couple chairs so we were in comfort land the whole way through.
so then was the awards. that was actually before the slideshow but i do what i want. adam won class clown thats pretty badass. i voted that. tiff won prom queen. im really happy about that. i thought christie atwood was going to. i voted for tiff. gallea got female class clown. i voted that. steve neil got prime minister. who didnt see that one coming a mile away though. him and cait also got cutest couple (i voted that) i voted chad hibbs prom king. he came second to sean cunliffe. the third nomination was fuckin pascoe though. thats fucked up. i didnt know anybody voted for him. he was as shocked as i was, that shits bananas. benny didnt get party animal. fuck that. lets see... what else... steve jo got best dressed. duh.
k thats enough.
and then we danced.
then we picked up our shit and went to get on the bus for camping but the buses were super full so my dad drove us all the way to wasaga. what a nice dude.
i set up that damn tent all by myself. everybody said it was huge which it is but everybody was like "who brouight the fuckin mansion?" and shit. it was funny. 3 or 4 people selpt in my tent for some reason on top of the 6 i actually told could. but whatever.
i sat around the same camp fire for most of the whole 2 days with like daneille, emily, hibbsy, adam, gallea, laura, steve mitch, snook, wallis, caitlin, and a fuckload of other people. it was sick. i didnt change my clothes the whole weekend either so i smeeled sooooooooo much like camp fire at the end.
i ate more hotdogs than there were hours we were there. shit.
so many hotdogs.
also this was the only time in my life i actually dont remember doing shit when i was drunk.
it happened cause i was sitting drinking for so long i didnt know how drunk i was cause i was sitting. and then i got up, stumbled around and puked ona tree. and the part i kinda remeber was that and nick and stefan helping me but i told them i didnt need help. i didnt remember who was helping me but they told me. they said i was being a dick and telling them to fuck off but then the next day stefan told me i just said "i can see the damn tree" and they gave up.
k so the part i dont remember was after they left me i apparently went into jims ripped tent and passed out there. thats weird though cause the next thing i remembered was sleeping in MY tent. so theres a part of mym memory completely missing. thats actually kinda cool when you think about it. a fragment of time completely missing. cause they told me they found me in jims tent but i thought that i went to MY tent.
shit thats mindbottling.