Holy Moly.

Feb 08, 2007 17:23

Wow. What a day. Today has been really amazing.

I went to my first class of the day- Women and Activism. We had a pretty interesting discussion about organizing across differences. After class I talked to another student about a Women's Studies Honor Society. She and a few other people got a chapter of the national one (Triota-I believe) started at our university last year. She said they went through the whole process and filled out all the forms but the faculty advisor to the group isn't with the school anymore and the president of the organization isn't responding to emails. I suggested that we get together and figure things out. Get a new faculty advisor and if the current president remains unresponsive- find another one. I really want to get this organization started. It would be a great way for me to make friends who have common interests as me, and also it would look GREAT if I held a position in an honor society on my graduate apps.

I also talked to one of my professors about being interesting in the Women's Studies/Law program and she is getting together a list of people that I should talk to. I am also going to meet with her to talk about my options in the future. I really admire and respect her and I think she would be honest with me about whether or not I would fit in the problem among other things.

After that class I went to my Feminist Critical Readings class. It's already half way through the quarter and she has never given us grades for anything. I just took my midterm earlier this week. I have been worried about my grade because the professor and I disagree in class discussions pretty often. I got my grade today for everything up until the midterm and I have an A-! I am really happy about that. She isn't an easy grader either. I overheard her talking to another student who was unhappy with her grade of a C-. This other student is smart and participates in class discussion. So that makes me really happy.

After that class I went home and started working on my Biology homework. I hate biology. I cannot comprehend it and it makes my head hurt to read about it. It isn't even normal Biology. The title of the class is "How Cells Reproduce". The whole class is about different ways that cells reproduce. It's awful. It's an online class and I was looking through it's page before I had even gotten my book to see what the assignments were like and what not. I accidentally opened the first quiz and it had a time limit and I had to just guess on the answers. I think I got a 68 or something. The next quiz I studied for like CRAZY. I spent alot of time on it and I ended up doing worse than my first quiz when I just guessed. I have been working really hard on it and I have still been worried that I won't pass. So today I looked at all my grades and decided to see what my average is so far. I have a B. I have no idea how that happened. Not even a B-, a B!! I am really happy about that and I am going to continue to work my ass off and keep the B maybe even raise it to a B+. So that's awesome.

I got an email from the head of the Women's Studies department telling me that the graduate advisor is going to contact me soon to schedule a meeting to talk about different grad programs.

I had a pretty good day :) Now I am exhausted and feel like I could fall asleep right now, but I still have to read and outline another chapter of Biology.
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