*Shakened up*

Jun 09, 2007 00:59

So on my way home from dropping off 
mitsukai_toori and
alexandrakrycek at B-town, I saw what I thought to be a cat run in front of me.  I hit the brakes to keep from hitting it while it turned and bolted back to hence it came and I felt a bump.  Pulling over, I get out of my car seeing if I hit the cat.  Mind you its almost one in the morning and I can't see shit in the dark.  I take out the blue light from my car hoping to find it.  Still nothing.  I think it made it and it might be a pot hole or a divet in the road I hit.  Still...  I'm a bit shakened from the experience.  I don't know how the law is in PA, but should I report it?  It could be a figment of my imagination and if it was real, I didn't see any form of Identification on it so I don't know whom it belongs to.

*Sighs*  What a day.
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